Friday, August 5, 2011

A Place For Everything........

...and everything in it's place.  Well, sort of.  I tidied up my sewing room the other day and took some pictures.  My sewing room is actually in the garage  (long story).  It's about 10 1/2' x 15'.  Not too bad as far as size goes.  Lately, I have been chucking things, donating things, and trying to de-clutter a bit.

This is where I do all my cutting and sewing.

I love these cubbies with the baskets.  I can spin around and find that perfect piece that I just KNOW I have somewhere.

The other side of the room has another desk that holds overflow.  It's usually piled high.

The white cupboards above the table, hold backing fabrics and a couple of block of the months I need to finish. This tall cupboard is the latest addition.  I like to have some fabrics out of the bins where I can enjoy them.

This shelf holds my little "treasures" . A co-worker gave me the Featherweight.  I started the little hexagon quilt YEARS ago.  Maybe one day I will finish it.

The cake stand holds goodies. The far wall is my design wall.  It's pretty empty so no need to show it.

I don't think our creativity needs to be limited to the size of our spaces.  Some people create in much smaller rooms than mine. If I had a bigger space, I would probably collect more stuff. From now on, before I bring it in here, I am going to make sure it is something I will definitely use in the near future. One more thing I am throwing on the recycle pile.......guilt.    That piece of fabric I paid good money for but know I will never use? Gone.  The little trinket that was my friends? Gone. I'm done feeling guilty.  Hopefully someone else can get as much use out of it as I have.

I will leave you with a quote I read the other day:

"Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can."        --Arthur Ashe


  1. That's a nice size sewing room you have there. I use our upstairs bedroom but hubby and I are thinking about converting our garage into a garden office/sewing room instead, with a few modifications so I can have my quilting frame up at the 12' max if necessary. We'll we've never been able to fit our cars in it!

  2. Hey Carla, love the quilt in your header, love the quote. I found you over at Lily's. I also try to learn not feeling guilty about getting rid of stuff and in the soon future I will have to get rid of a lot of things. I wish I had a work place like yours ;-) One day I will!

  3. Love your wit and style. All those sweets on your desserts stand are sure tempting! Organizing space makes me feel so productive. I think it's a virgo thing.

  4. Hi Carla! I love seeing other peoples' sewing spaces. Yours looks wonderful. I really love the quilt in your header. So pretty and colorful!
