Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wonky Block Tutorial

After my last post, I had a few requests for a tutorial for the quilt.  I've never posted a tutorial, but here goes.


1.25 meters background
.4 binding
assorted scraps at least 6" x 10"
tri-recs* ruler (

From background fabric cut one 4 1/2" strip, and one 6 1/2" strip across the whole width of fabric.
Subcut the 4 1/2" strip into 4 1/2" squares. (you can cut more as needed)

From each scrap, cut two 1 1/2" x 4 1/2" pieces, and two 1 1/2" x 6 1/2" pieces.

To make 1 block:

Sew a 1 1/2" x 4 1/2" piece to either side of a 4 1/2" square

Now sew the 1 1/2" x 6 1/2" pieces to the top and bottom

Using the "recs" part of the tri-recs* ruler set, cut the 6 1/2" strip into wedges. The fabric is doubled (like it comes off the bolt)  so you are cutting 2 pieces at once.
The first cut, the ruler is right side up on the strip,

the second cut the ruler is up-side down.  Continue cutting all along the strip.

Now take the first 4 TOP pieces ( I have slid them up) and lay them out around one of your pieced squares.
The first 4 bottom pieces will be used for the next block.

Sew a wedge to either side of pieced square, then top and bottom. This will slant the block in one direction.

Square the block to 8 1/2" making sure to leave a 1/4" beyond the corner of pieced square.

Now take the first 4 bottom wedges of strip, and sew around another pieced square.  This will slant the block in the other direction.

Repeat to make as many blocks as you wish.  I made 24, for a quilt that is 32 x 48.
Layer your top, baste, quilt and bind.
Questions?  Feel free to e-mail me and I will do my best to help.  Enjoy!


  1. Woohoo!!!! Your first tutorial! I think you did great! But thanks again for sending it per email yesterday. Now you need to make a link (with picture) in your sidebar so other people can find it later, too. And your blog is gonna look all fancy and professional ;-) Woohoo!!!!

  2. Way to go Carla. You go girl!!!!!!

  3. Ooo thanks. Loved that quilt. I'm adding it to my to-do list. :)
