Friday, September 2, 2011


.......what a Gramma's gotta do! Occasionally, it's nice to take a break from the usual sewing, and make something quick and easy.  I bought this  "habitat" fabric the other day during Katja's anniversary sale, and sewed it up yesterday morning, for our little Scarlet.  The dress is reversible with dots on the inside.  (pardon the hanger)

Paired with some leggings

and what outfit is complete without the shoes?

What was I supposed to do. Leave them at the store? Not a chance. I figure with a little sweater, this could be evening wear......when she's allowed up past eight!

Last night , the staff at Katja's said farewell to Gerry.  She is retiring and off to new things.  We couldn't let her go without something to remember us by.  All of us had a hand in making this quilt.

She loves cats and the 30's fabrics, so it was an easy choice.  Look at the quilting.

This is of course Linda's work.
Have a wonderful long week-end.


  1. Gasp! I'm swooning over those little sandals! Soooo cute. And the dress is adorable. Love it. And what a great quilt. Love this post. :)

  2. That little outfit is so adorable!!!! And that quilt - omg - tooooooo cute!!!
