Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today I thought, why not share a little history with you?

Family heirlooms come in many different forms.  I have several, but the three I'm showing you are in the form of fabric. Quilts are all about history, family, story telling, and memories.
This first quilt was made by my husband's great grandma, on his mother's side.

It was definitely a utilitarian quilt that was put to good use.  There are blocks made from wool and corduroy, as well as cotton. Neta Rosetta Brown lived from 1895-1989.  Grandpa was born in 1918.  He remembers growing up with this quilt.  He told me once that his mother would hoist the quilt frame up to the ceiling at night, and the children could make out the quilting pattern as they lay in their beds.

It's worn and faded, but I love it.

Hubby's great (great) grandparents on his fathers side, had the Copp Woollen Mill in Port Elgin, New Brunswick. This is a wool blanket from that mill.

It has the label still intact.

Mrs. Copp had the means and the access to lovely fabrics.  The crazy quilt, as far as I know, is from her family.  The embroidery is amazing, and the fabrics are as bright as ever.

We don't have initials , but we have a date.

This was for sure made as a show piece.  Something to impress visitors.  The orange border is velvet, and the green ruffle is silk.

My father-in-law gave it to me in 2010.  AND horror of horrors, it was in a plastic bag!

I would have loved to have known this woman, who's great (great) grandson I would one day marry.  We could have spent hours together--------her with her embroidery, and me with my hexagons.  I will always treasure these items, and hopefully so will the next generation........sniff

Happy Wednesday.


  1. Loved the pics! True treasures! Hubby's family was from the Maritimes, cool eh? Small world sometimes!
    PS Love Why not Wed!

  2. Lucky you to have such wonderful treasures. The crazy patchwork is gorgeous;it's probably my favourite technique.

  3. How interesting reading about your beautiful family heirlooms! Each one tells a different story of the way they lived.
