Thursday, December 29, 2011


I've been enjoying these unstructured days and doing some knitting.  I made this hat for our next little arrival in April. It's called the flour sack hat ( for obvious reasons. )  I love how when the corners get tied, they look like little ears.

 For Christmas, my daughter gave me this lovely skein of wool and the pretty needles with wooden ends.
Not sure yet what this will become, but I think I will look through my books, and start something today.

Also, Donna gave me this amazing skein of 100% Merino superwash that her daughter Janine hand painted.  Be still my heart :)  I know exactly what this is going to be.  My daughter wants a skein of this, and my Mother thought it was lovely too. Hmmmmm, I may be giving Donna a call.

While floating around Ravelry, I saw this awesome scarf and knew I needed to make it. It uses several different stitches to give it lots of texture.  It's long enough to double up on those really cold days so I can stay warm.

Won't it be lovely done up in the hand painted wool? It would look great in the brown too so I think I will start both today.  Idle hands ya know.......

Lastly, I did another farmers wife block yesterday. Slow and steady is my motto for this quilt. I saw one person who turned the blocks she had done so far into a baby quilt and it looked wonderful. I guess I could do that if I get tired of this, but I am hoping to persevere.

Anyway, I have about 400 stitches to cast on, so if you'll excuse me I am going to melt into the couch for a while. Have a fantastic New Years!


  1. The flour sack hat is just toooooo cute!

  2. love the hat..made me chuckle...LOVE the multi coloured wool...which one are you starting with?

  3. FInish 1 start 2 sounds like a good plan to me! I've not gotten back to my FW blocks - I'm loving your most recent one. And what's not to love about yarn? Enjoy!

  4. oooh, love all that wool, and that cheeky little hat

  5. How wonderful to have such lovely wool to play with! The scarf will look great in the painted wool. I hope you can find some more. I've been enjoying playing with organic cotton and experimmenting with crochet granny squares from a book I received for Christmas.

  6. Happy knitting! I'm looking forward to seeing how the eternity scarf will turn out with that lovely painted yarn!!

  7. I love that scarf, Carla.The painted yarn will be amazing done up in that pattern. A great way to start the new projects.
    Now home in NS and missing my babies, big and small. What a great visit we had. One for the memory banks!
    Happy New Year!!!!

  8. Ah Carla... not only are you gifted with needles of all sorts but you are developing quite a way with words here as well!
