Wednesday, December 14, 2011



Sometimes when I'm sewing my mind wanders----really wanders.  For some reason I started thinking about these really old blocks I had stashed away somewhere.  Foundation paper piecing is something I tried YEARS ago, and I never completed the quilt.  I got to thinking that maybe I could turn one of the blocks into a little mug rug.  First, I had to find them.........

I knew I wanted it to be Christmassy, so I dumped out my scrap bin (one of them) and started playing around.  One of the lines from this year, Countdown to Christmas, happens to have lots of red and black. Great!  This is what I came up with.

I'm quite happy with it.  An old block, destined for the garbage has new life in something I can actually use. AND, there are 3 more teacup blocks, and 3 or 4 teaPOT blocks.  Mugrugs here I come!

 Why not go through your bins and see what orphan blocks you can use?  You might be surprised!  


  1. oh my goodnes! This is just darling!! I think you found a goldmine! ;-)

  2. That's a great use for a spare block or two - and a wonderful mug rug!

  3. So cute!! What a good idea. I love Countdown to Christmas, and that is such a smart idea to use up a block for a quilt that was not to be :-)

  4. ...and that;s what it's all about - excellent work! very stylish mug rug

  5. I love this whole mug rug trend! Such a fast and easy way to use blocks like you did or try out new techniques without a big commitment. And they are practical to boot!

  6. Now you will have to get everyone paper piecing so they can have one just like it. Very cute.

  7. Now that is the cutest little mug rug I have seen! Keep looking in your stash, you might have more! When we redid my quilting room a couple weeks ago I found all kinds of things that I need to do something with.....I have a habit of making a block out of scrap to test a pattern.

  8. Wow! Isn't it wonderful when you create serendipitously? Turns a little leftover into the star of the show doesn't it?

  9. Mug rugs are perfect for these blocks! Great idea and they should be quick to finish up.

  10. LOVE IT ..isnt that what quilting is all about...using what would ptherwise be thrown away xx

  11. very cute mug rug!!! i just love it.
