Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Hard work comes in many forms.  It can be physically hard, or mentally hard, both of which I have experienced this last few days.  I tackled block 18 of the farmers wife quilt.  There are templates and foundation patterns available for this block.  I opted to try english  paper piecing for this one because I thought I may have some better control over all those seams in the centre.  Well, one Canuck hockey game and an hour of the 'Bourne Identity' later, here are my pieces all basted over the papers.

I have them partially sewn together, but as you can see, the centre is going to give me grief.

Once the papers are out and it's pressed, I will be able to square it up to it's proper size.
 Next, I tried the foundation paper pieced templates and this worked ok.  One thing is for sure, angles are difficult to cover no matter how small the space.  I had a piece of the blue 5" x the width of fabric and still managed to miss a corner.  Seriously???   Sad, but true.

I only did two colours for this block, because the block in the book seemed unbalanced to me as far as colour placement. See the little floral print?  The top and bottom pieces are actually covering two spaces. I tried this in hopes of reducing some bulk in the centre.  It worked well. I've circled where I did this.  I figure I can fudge it a bit.  It is my quilt after all : )

I think it's a keeper.

p.s.  Do NOT attempt this block after 9:00 p.m.  (trust me on this one)

I am loving the texture on my cowl.  Just 19 more rounds and I can cast off and start wearing this thing.  Now if we only had snow......

The physical work I have been doing this week, is  inventory at the shoppe where I work.  Katja is always dreaming of new ways to display the store.  We made some major changes this year.  We moved the cash desk, moved the cutting table, and the 10 foot, 100 year old Hudson's Bay counter. Who's idea was that! After 2 and a half days of counting and arranging, it looks great.  Here are a few shots of some displays.

We have pillows hanging around,

a block of the month using Kate Spain's terrain, and room for new samples coming soon......

a pile of pre-cuts with their yardage,

We moved the Christmas fabrics into the sale bin.  For all you regular customers, now is your chance to get some lovely fabrics for next year or maybe some backings for tops you have made.  We re-open Friday.  See you there.


  1. Great Kate and her fabric.

  2. These pictures make me want to go shopping in that store!

  3. love the cowl - that wool is beautifully coloured....and i really like the terrain bom - i've still not decided what to do with my fq terrain pack i won so this is great inspiration

  4. You did a great job on this block Carla! I've heard so many grumbles about it. Your center points are the best I think I've seen. Are you going to put both blocks in your quilt or just the one you like best?

    The cowl is looking fantastic!

  5. Great work on the block - It's a tricky one. I enjoy English Paper piecing and foundation piecing for work like this .

  6. oh my - that block is something else!! You did great tho - amazing! And the shop looks so inviting!

  7. I am new to quilting what is english paper quilting? I bought a quilting book a month ago when I started and so far have started a sampler quilt and sewn 3 blocks together. The more I look and read the more I want to do.

  8. You skill will always amaze me, Carla! I had such fun making the Christmas Advent Calendar ( a long way from quilting) but I am planning to find more and similar projects at Katja's. I hope to come by next week. Let me at that button bin!

  9. that darn block! yours looks great Carla. i love the idea of 2 colors. i didn't like the placement in the book either.
