Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Today I did #23 of the farmer's wife blocks.  This block wasn't difficult to do, but it turned out a bit too big.  I think I have figured out what I'm doing wrong. When I trace the template onto the fabric, the pencil line makes the shape just a bit bigger. Then when I cut it out, if I am outside the line, it makes it just a bit bigger again.

no DUH!  (as my daughter would so eloquently put it)

By the time you add up all those little bits, the block is too big and you can't just whack it off because all the points would be gone. Must be more careful from now on.

Frustrated but not beat, I went on the hunt for some star patterns I knew I had and made another block called the 'star of hope'. This was 6 1/2" square exactly.  I'm keeping this one instead.

Also on the to do list today were more granny square blocks. The plan for tomorrow is to start sewing them together. Yay!

A couple of days ago, I was notified by Deborah, that I had been nominated for the Liebster Blog award.
I wasn't sure what that meant, so I did a little digging. Liebster is a German word meaning dearest. Hmmm
It was nice of her to think of me and a few other bloggers.
Along with that comes a little business. I am to pass this little award on to 5 other bloggers that I admire, with less than 200 followers. I can think of several, but will keep it to the five.

1. Richard Quilts : Richard will no doubt end up in a magazine. He is new to quilting, but is cranking them out like crazy. He's going for 52 finishes this year!
2. Crooked Seams:  Megan is just plain cute.  She's doing a jellyroll quilt every month and I am trying to keep up : )
3. Happy Little Cottage: This blog just makes me happy.
4. Kiss Kiss Quilt: Nicke makes some beautiful things and has been an encouragement to me.  Stop in and say Hi.
5. Victory and Peace: Nicole is on top of all the latest fabrics and keeps busy with swaps and quilt alongs.

Well, that's it for today. Have fun checking out all the blogs. 
The dishes will wait : )


  1. You know its totally cool when your reading along though a blog and find your name. Thank you so much for thinking of me.

    Richard Healey

  2. Your FW blocks all look so great so far! If you like paper piecing, you can print them off from the FW yahoo group. You just have to join the group first.

  3. Good lesson learned on the star....and really like your granny squares - will be fun to see them come together! and congrats on the award - very nice.

  4. I was thinking as i read your blog that your "pointless squares" are like life, imperfect.(the condition of my brain this am) How we try, not so much to be perfect, but want success, for our kids, our husbands, ourselves. That is a good thing, i think. But what I love is that we can not quite attain it. That is what makes life exciting. Keeps us motivated. And above all keeps us going to the One.
    I too love your blog. Looking forward to visiting your "friends".
    Thanks once again for your inspiration!

  5. Lesson learned on the star block. There are many paths to success! Deb.

  6. thanks for the award! your farmers wife block looks great but that is so frustrating to not have it come out like it should! i love the block you made in its place and your granny's look amazing!

  7. Bummer about the start block! They are lovely though :)

  8. i had that problem too! i started rotary cutting most of them now. I absolutely love the picture of the 3 blocks on the line!!!

  9. Can't wait to see the Granny Squares together!

  10. Oh, I love your granny squares but I have to tell you that your blog header photo is just FABULOUS! :D
