Sunday, May 6, 2012


This is week 19 of Katja's Hexathon. The pieces are getting a little more intricate each week.  When I first looked at this block, I saw tumbling blocks. When I looked a bit more, I saw stars.

I mentioned to my daughter that I kind of wanted to do the stars, so she got busy colouring me a pattern so I wouldn't get confused. It's nice she looks after me : )

option 1: tumbling blocks

option 2: stars

here's my finished block

I like it.

Happy Sunday.


  1. it looks great... a joint effort in-deed! xx

  2. So pretty! I think I never realized that those beautiful hexagons you keep making are being designed by Katja!

  3. How fun!! It's so nice that you have a helper!! My 3 year old has started to show an interest in my sewing and wants to help me all the time now :) Can't wait to see more. I hope your having a fabulous day!

  4. I like it too!
    You are right about A and K. No details yet about where.

  5. I love it!! Looks hard!! ;) xo Heather

  6. I like the stars, too. Good job. Great helper.

  7. I like it too! My daughter's good to me like that too! ;-)

  8. Yes Carla it's all in the way you look at it! Many of the blocks have a very different look depending on colour placement!
    Checking up on evryone from the Rhine, Katja

  9. I really love the option 1 as I like the optical illusion part with the boxes and the stars. Your daughter did some awesome coloring for you!


  10. Love love love the stars! Wonderful how many different ways there are to "see" something...

  11. Fabulous! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love you hexies - I have a few hexy blocks somewhere and a desire to finish that quilt someday....

  12. I just love all the hexie blocks you are doing. I searched on Katja's website but didn't find any information on it. Where can I find information on all of them?
