Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I have joined an on-line quilting bee  : )  This is something I have wanted to do for a long time but never really knew how. I saw Sana posted about it and there was still room, so I joined-------then immediately broke out in a cold sweat!
There are 13 of us from around the world, so it will be fun to get mail from all over. My month is September, when I will ask my partners for a particular block.

The group is called Scrappy? Sew bee it

The first person I am making a block for is May. She lives in Germany and  blogs over at

I will be posting pictures of the blocks as I make them. (maybe I am to keep them a secret til they are received ? ) I can't wait to get started.

........and I got little Janie's top almost done. Just needs borders, but it's enough for her big photo shoot on Thursday. As you can see, I still have projects spilling out of my bin.

Don't forget about the Bloggers Quilt Festival starting on the 18th


  1. I am so happy to be a part of this bee! I checked with May and she said we could post our pictures of the blocks! It will be fun to see what everyone comes up with! Lovely quilt! Your work is always an inspiration!

  2. You wouldn't want me to die of curiosity, would you? :-) May

  3. Oh how exciting! I know the feeling of excitement and the bees ARE alot of fun! Most bees post blocks as they go. Have fun getting going with your new group! Oh & I love Janie's quilt!!

  4. Can't wait to see Jane's quilt all finished! I love the embroidered words- such a great accent!!!

  5. Jane's quilt is so pretty! I keep thinking about joining a bee and then shy away from the committment of it!

  6. How exciting!! Jane's quilt top is so beautiful!! xo Heather

  7. Carla, I cant believe how fast you are always sewing the most beautiful things!

  8. You must have been sewing all day - I love the colours and the design is so so cute.... Good for you for joining a Bee, can't wait to see what you create..... See you soon!

  9. Love Jane's quilt. Beautiful colours!
    Excited to see your bee blocks. What a cool idea. Gotta love the quilting community that is as big as the world!

  10. This is also my first bee and I am a bit nervous and also excited at the same time!

  11. What a cute project! That's awesome that it's going to be part of the photo shoot! Hope you have fun in your bee - it's always so good for me to have a little something new and different from my usual projects each month.

  12. i love being in my bees! very very much! i have met some amazing people because of it. enjoy yourself!
