Saturday, May 25, 2013


In a previous post I mentioned that I am involved in a block exchange with a group of lovely women. The quilt I am making a version of is called Green Tea and Sweet Beans. It is a combination of pieced blocks and appliqué. Well, all my blocks have arrived !

Just a few more blocks to make and a few holes to fill in and I know exactly how I'm going to do it.

Last week I was wandering around Quilt Market when, what to my wondering eyes did appear ??

THE  quilt

I'm quite sure I let out a little squeal ! I had no idea I would ever see the original Green Tea quilt in person. It was made by Jen Kingwell and her daughter Lucy said I could take a picture and post it here.
Just look at all that scrappy goodness.

Another quilt I was in awe of was this one. It's called 'Gypsy Wife'

Perhaps the next swap........

Well, those blocks aren't going to sew themselves so I am off to do just that  : )


  1. Carla, the quilt is looking wonderful!!!

  2. What a delight to see it in person! Yours is going to look stunning.

  3. Love your block collection! SO beautiful. The GTSB quilt looks so wonderful. I just made my first block!

  4. Your quilt is so lovely!! Lucky you for getting to see the original too! I have that pattern and am saving it for when I have completed my quilt tops already made, a little motivation for me!! Have a great weekend!

  5. Wow! I have not seen the Green Tea quilt! What a beaut!

  6. Hi Carla! Your quilt is going to amazing as those other two you picked! So inspiring! x Teje

  7. oh my gosh this is turning out nice! SO glad to be a part of it too! How cool you got to see THE quilt!

  8. This is stunning! I've been planning my own version of the GTSB quilt for a while now (well, dreaming about it - I'm not allowing myself to start it until I've completely finished my hexy quilt. I am allowed to collect fabric for it, though *grin* ) and this has given me so much inspiration! Eek!!!! It's going to be a terrific quilt!

  9. Oh wow :-) Those quilts are gorgeous. Have fun piecing yours too,
    happy weekend,

  10. Carla, this quilt is looking incredible!!

  11. It's lovely to see how it all comes together. It's going to be very pretty.

  12. Your quilt is looking stunning. Look forward to seeing the end result

  13. Your version is looking wonderful! And a honor to have made a small contribution too! I believe there are some new Jen Kingwell patterns in the works too!

  14. It looks fabulous and I love that Gypsy Wife quilt!!!!!!!

  15. Is it legal for me to say that I like yours better? I like yours better!!!

  16. THAT is kismet. And I like yours better, too. The fact that I read most of the block-makers might bias me a little, though. :-)

  17. I see a glimpse of the Circle quilt I'm working on now! Can't wait to see how you finish it off :)

  18. How lucky for you to see THE Green Tea in person!! That must have been great inspiration for what to add to the blocks we all sent! It looks lovely already.

  19. Your quilt is going to be fabulous!

  20. It is too fun to see this all up on the pinwall and going strong. I had fun trying to pick out everyone's block, trying to remember what they had posted up on Flickr. And then to see the real thing! Be Still My Heart!!

    I'll bet you did a double take, and I'm so glad you were able to snap a photo of it. That Gypsy quilt looks like fun, too.

    Elizabeth E.

  21. Ooooooh, what beautiful quilts. I'm looking on a phone screen, I need to find a bigger screen, but already I can see they look great, and yummy colours!!!!

  22. I love all your blocks - yours is going to be every bit as lovely as the original - am looking forward to seeing all put together :-)

  23. That quilt is just delightful. Our group is starting a sampler quilt and I think I will make mine more like this one rather than having all the blocks in isolation. Thank you for the inspiration. Philippa xx

  24. Your quilt blocks are going to make a stunning quilt Carla and thanks for sharing photos of the other 2 quilts :)

  25. Those blocks are so bright and lovely, I can't wait to see them assembled together. What a beautiful quilt that will be!

  26. Wasn't that a fun surprise?!? I have to say, the original is beautiful but yours is going to have more visual appeal - love your colors!!!

  27. They look so pretty together, Carla! How excited to see the real inspiration quilt in person!

  28. Your blocks look great together Carla, how lovely to see the original too.

  29. Oh, that green tea quilt is just fabulous! What a treat for you to see one in person.

  30. Great quilts, and I love your blocks. Thanks for sharing!

  31. These quilts both look great - and so does yours.
