Friday, August 16, 2013


Another week over and this one was busy! I've been making blocks for a couple of the swaps I'm in.

Mary asked for Scrappy pink  x & +  blocks,

Nicke wants Maple Leaf blocks in true fall colours with text prints as backgrounds,

I nearly have enough of these blocks for another Fractured Nine Patch,

My youngest turned 19 this week so we had a bit of a family dinner for her. There were two brothers missing but there were still 14 of us around the table.
Her bouquet.

..and now for the really big news, our oldest son asked his sweet girl to marry him and she said YES.
The wedding is this October. If I thought I was busy before........


  1. Mary's blocks are so cute--on my weekend list of things to do! Oh, and Deborah's too--I can't believe I haven't done hers yet!!!

    Yes I think you will be quite busy in the near future!

  2. Congratulations! Soon you will be gaining a new daughter. And yes, you will be quite busy for awhile! Good luck!

  3. The blocks all look great Carla, and congrats on the engagement in your family. Exciting!

  4. Life is NEVER a dull moment, is it? So happy for you to be gaining a new daughter. I know you'll keep up with everything you decide you need and want to do. Great job on the swap blocks. The ones you made for Mary are so pretty!

  5. Congrats on the upcoming wedding!! Love your maples and x&+ blocks!

  6. Congratulations on your daughter’s Birthday and of course, on the upcoming wedding!

    I love your sweet soft coloured Plus and X blocks and I have a soft spot for Maple Leaf blocks!

  7. Beautiful blocks!! Happy Birthday to you daughter and congratulations to your son! So exciting!! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  8. Wow Carla, you had exiting news! Happy Birthday to your son and have fun with all the wedding preparation!
    Your blocks are beautiful! x Teje

  9. Such exciting and wonderful news! Your bee blocks are always so beautiful! I would love to have 14 family members sitting around a table. What a blessing!

  10. Your bee blocks look great! I love the x & + blocks. Happy birthday to your daughter. Congratulations on your son's engagement. Busy with so many blessings! How wonderful!!! :)

  11. Wonderful blocks. I can't wait to see it.

    Tell your baby boy Happy Birthday.

    My baby girl is going to be 40 this year and is not happy about it......grin.....Her brother will be 44. Their birthdays are a day apart.

  12. Your blocks are beautiful, Carla. I especially love those pink ones. And a wedding...congratulations!! Take it one day at a time and enjoy it!

  13. Congratulations all round Carla, will there be a wedding quilt in your WIP list soon?

  14. Beautiful blocks as always and yay for the fun, exciting wedding news!! You will be busy on top of busy!!

  15. How exciting. October is coming up fast though!

  16. Wow! You did have a busy week! Love your bee blocks, especially the fall leaves with those yummy text fabrics :*) The bouquet is really lovely - those colors really sing together. And congratulations on the upcoming wedding - such a joyous time!

  17. Love your blocks for Mary!

    Great news! Champagne all round!

  18. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! What happy news!
    And those blocks for me are just the cutest. Thank you so much.
    I have to try those maple leaf blocks. They would make the cutest table runner.

  19. Congratulations! I bet you are already planning a quilt for know that your only job as the mother of the groom is to stand in the corner and wear beige, lots of time to make a quilt!! Tee Hee!!

  20. Can't wait to see what you come up with for Joe's wedding quilt!

  21. Congratulations! The wedding is THIS October!?? That will come around quickly! Love all the bee blocks too!

  22. THIS October? oh gosh, how exciting! have you got time to be blogging?

  23. Happy Birthday to your daughter and Congrats to your son! Your blocks look great - you've done well to fit in sewing time with so much happening :)

  24. Congratulation on your son's engagement! As for your sewing, the blocks are beautiful - your bee partners will love them!

  25. Congrats!!! It will be a busy fall for you and a happy one!

  26. Congrats to you and your son! So exciting.

  27. What a lovely, happy post! I'm so excited for your family. See you soon.

  28. Congrats to you! on the newest bride in your family, as well as Happy Birthday to your daughter.

    Love the picnic quilt--perfect story behind each bit of fabric.

