Saturday, August 3, 2013


Hubby took our youngest son down to the Vancouver airport a couple of days ago because he is off to Germany. He brought back a few little souvenirs. I may or may not have dropped a hint.........

Yesterday I went to Katja's to see if I could find backing for my Beach House quilt and look what I found-----WAVES !

This is a whole lot of 3-D bow tie blocks for a little commission quilt.  So pretty and girlie

Right now I have a full 12 hours ahead of me before I have to pick up hubby. I am going to make the most of it    : )

Have a great week end!


  1. Perfect backing! And i may just have a guess where he picked up the souvenirs!

  2. A wonderful stack of fabric, how sweet of your husband to shop for you, mine does for me too!!

  3. Hmmm, not sure if I'm ready to divuldge to the hubs how much this little hobby costs. . .at least not yet. . . ;)

  4. Your hubby is a wonderful shopper, Carla. And YAY! for getting that pop up window to work!!!

  5. Love the chevron fabric! I'm curious to see how the 3-D quilt turns out. I bet it's cute!

  6. Love the waves backing! I guess a husband who buys fabric souvenirs is a keeper then!! ;-))

  7. Look forward to seeing the 3d bow tie quilt! How fun to have a husband who will bring back fabric souvenirs!

  8. Wow, that waves fabric is the perfect color, and so cool! Great find. And your little bow-ties are cute!

  9. Love the new fabric. It is always wonderful getting a backing that is a perfect fit.

  10. OMG - love those chevrons!!! And that wave fabric couldn't be more perfect!!!! Enjoy your "me" time - isn't it wonderful?!?

  11. Hope you have a wonderful long weekend! Enjoy your sewing time.

  12. Brilliant. Have fun, Carla, and what a great find - the waves are perfect :)

  13. Lucky you to have all those chevrons in your stash. You just know how often they'll come in handy! And I love that wave print. Can you tell me who made it? Would like to nab some of that for myself! A commission, huh? In 30 years of making quilts, no one has ever asked me to make them (and pay!) for a quilt. How did you get that to happen? I wonder if my work is perceived as inferior? Or my fabric choices aren't appealing.

  14. Mmmmm.....while the husband is away, the wife will play....with fabrics of course! ;) Love the wave fabric, 'tis the perfect backing!

  15. Wow, you have your husband trained well. He can buy souvenirs for me any time, haha. I'm loving that wave fabric also.

  16. Wow! What a gorgeous stack of goodies!

  17. Such pretties!! Love your beautiful new header and hexie quilt!! Its gorgeous!! xo Heather

  18. Hope you had/are having a great sewing day, Carla! The waves fabric is perfect :)

  19. well, isn't your hubby nice even if you did drop a hint. :0)
    perfect backing.
    Love your pink bow tie blocks.
