Friday, November 15, 2013


Yesterday I spent the morning in my sewing room and it was good therapy : )  I even tidied up a little and finished piecing all my letters for the Heal group.  Can you guess what my word is?

How about now?

If you guessed 'Comfort' then you are right

Words are fun to piece and aren't hard at all. This is my contribution to the quilt we are doing for Hospice in November.  I'm really looking forward to seeing what Melissa does with all our blocks.

We were also asked to make a second block of our choosing so I made another spider web block. That pretty much takes care of my scraps of 'Dori' by Benartex. What a cheerful line of fabric!

I mentioned in my last post that my Mom had turned 80. For her gift, my sister and I hired a photographer to do an all girls, four generation photo shoot. This is a picture the photographer posted as just a teaser for us.

l to r--DIL, Miss J, my daughter, Miss S, me, my Mom, and my new DIL
With three more sons yet to marry, I'm excited to see what THAT picture will look like   : )

Enjoy your week end.


  1. Love your letter piecing. From the pics on Facebook it looks like your Mom's party was a great success. Hope you took a moment to enjoy it as well.

  2. I love the letters. Fantastic photo of the 4 generations of women. my granddaughters are 5th gen. of women. And just regular 5th on my fathers side.

  3. Love your pieced letters...and great word. Your photo looks amazing too...yes, you'll get your fill of ladies when they all marry! =)

  4. Love those letters... something else to add to my list to try! And what a great photo too.

  5. Fabulous photo of you and all the women--I have one like that of my three sisters and I and my mother--it's a treasure!

    Fun to see those letters!


  6. Beautiful blocks Carla and an awesome photo!! I love generation pictures :)

  7. I'm normally good at unscrambling letters but I could not get this one. Duh. Comfort - of course!!!!!

  8. Great job on your word block! I'm about to tackle mine. A very lovely present idea with the pictures!

  9. Your sewing is looking great. Lovely photo of the generations together.

  10. What a great 'four generation of women' family photo! I still believe your mum is 80!

  11. Love the words. And what a great generational picture

  12. Your picture is wonderful Carla, I foresee noisier and blissfully noisier Christmas' in your future!

  13. You have a beautiful family! Happy 80th to your mom!

  14. Great blocks and the colors I love, as always. Beautiful ladies in a wonderful picture. 4 generations is so cool.

  15. I figured out "Comfort" those blocks so much. And that photo.....lovely family, Carla. P.S...who knew there were so many quilters with the name Carla!! =)

  16. There is something soothing about the word comfort!! Great letter the generation photo....obviously the 'fountain of youth' gene runs in the family!!

  17. Love the 'Dori' line of fabric - so bright and vibrant. Great letters - 'comfort' feels like a warm, cozy quilt so will be a great addition.

  18. As always your piecing is so very neat and accurate, and really does so much justice to the fabrics. What a wonderful photo of all you girls together and such a lovely present for your mum. Philippa xx

  19. Love those letters and what a fabulous picture of you all!

  20. Oh I love your letters, they are wonderful! Are they paper pieced? I would love to know how you did these letter blocks if your willing to share. I have a quilt top I'm making right now as a Christmas gift for my little girl and I would love to add her name to the top in the same kind form as your letter blocks. Any help would be great!

  21. Love your letter blocks, Carla! Sew much fun and great fabric choices.

    Wow. Love that family photo. What a special way to commemorate your beautiful mum's birthday (she so does not look 80!). Happy birthday to her!

  22. love the comfort blocks! And what a lovely family photo!

  23. Love the Comfort blocks . . . will make for a lovely hospice quilt. Your all girl family portrait is precious.

  24. the letters are great, but I especially love the photo!

  25. Oh how I love making block letters to form words! In a giveaway I won the book Wordplay, and have found reasons to use it, though only twice. I like to try to put words on the back of my quilts. The problem is sometimes that I have too much to say! Ha! Your idea for an all-girls family photo is great! Keep and cherish those memories.

  26. Love your letters, the colours are great, and to such a great cause....and a great family picture...when everyone gets married you will need the wide lens camera....great memories....

  27. fun blocks. such a lovely family photo.

  28. Love those letters, Carla, and that photo is absolutely stunning!

  29. Love the word you made. And what a fabulous picture! How very special.

  30. The letters are fantastic! What a wonderful picture of you and your family.
