Friday, February 21, 2014


Yesterday my sewing was dedicated to getting my blocks done for my swap partners.  Last year Carla asked for churn dash blocks done in Juicy Fruit colours. She decided that a queen size was what she wanted so we are making her the same block this time around.

four 6" churn dash blocks

sewn together to make one 12" block

For the Humility Group we made the Ribbon Star block. Lots of piecing in this one, but worth it.

You can tell I was working out of the same scrap basket for one of these  : )

The high point of my day was teaching my daughter in law how to make her first quilt ! I had a stack of charm packs for her to choose from and she chose this lovely collection.

She was just over the moon about it!   On her next visit we may add a border or get straight to the quilting. One thing's for sure--she's got the bug.  Happy Dance!

Enjoy your week end


  1. Beautiful blocks. I'm wasn't familiar with the ribbon star block. They are stunners!

  2. Love that beautiful, bright fabric! Lovely blocks.

  3. great blocks and lovely teaching moment! ;-)

  4. What a lovely colored post for a cold grey day.
    How exciting to pass on the joy of quilting!

  5. Those mini churn dash blocks are adorable!

  6. Stunning blocks! It looks as though the new quilter is a natural!!

  7. Juicy Fruit is going to a great quilt with the addition of your blocks! They are such fun to make, aren't they! And it's wonderful to have another quilter in the making!

  8. I love the churn dash! (those traditional patterns!) Awesome in those fabrics. It is exciting to pass on the "bug". Joy!

  9. lovely blocks. the ribbon star block is so neat.

  10. How fun to be gaining a quilter to the family!! May this be especially bonding for you both. I love my new blocks....thanks so much!!

  11. Lovely blocks, Carla. Looks like your daugher-in-law has caught the quilting bug...wonderful!!

  12. No wonder your daughter-in-law was over the moon; I would be too! Learning to quilt would be exciting enough on its own, but learning to quilt from such a talented quilt artist? Yep, over the moon it is!

  13. How fun to spread the quilting bug to your DIL. She chose a great charm bundle, such pretty fresh colors.

  14. Your blocks are all wonderful. Love all your fabrics.

  15. Beautiful blocks! Churndash is one of my favorites, and these colors and fabrics make me smile :) The ribbon blocks look like fun too!

  16. I love your churn dash blocks, such a fun combination of colours!

  17. Lovely bee blocks. I need to get working on my churn dash blocks.
