Saturday, October 4, 2014


I'm not sure about anyone else, but my DNA is made up of 98% guilt.  I feel guilty throwing away even the smallest scrap so now my scrap baskets are out of control!  I have been feeling overwhelmed by them all, so I've decided it's time to bust some scraps.

The Scrappy Trip quilt was a good one, but it actually created scraps too, so now I am working with the real odd shaped pieces.

 Unlike the Scrappy Trip that was strip pieced, I am cutting this mess into 2 1/2" squares and sewing them together one. at. a. time.

I have long admired the 'Scrap Vomit' quilt that Katy made, but wondered if I had the patience to make one.  I can't just toss these, so I decided to get started and get rid of that guilty feeling

Here is the start of mine

the time consuming part is spritzing and pressing the scrap to be able to cut it into squares. When I got as many      2 1/2" squares as I could out of the piece, I cut the leftover bit into a 2" x 1 1/2" piece and started this. I am pairing them with a low volume charm pack that I had

before long I had a few blocks and I am liking it so far

There. That feels better already.  The guilty police won't be keeping ME up any more.
Here's to a good nights sleep          : )


  1. Good for you!! I'm feeling the same way, my containers won't be able to contain all my scraps much longer and they need to get used. Might make that next years mission :)

  2. Hi Carla! Same here, only my scraps are really small. Your quilt with squares will be fantastic and the other Project looks exciting. I'm planning to start 'fabric sampler' by cutting one 3,5" square from each of my Fabrics - old and what I shall have in future... slowly, slowly. x Teje

  3. Great wor! I am working on some modern slabs, but it seems as soon as you start digging in the scraps it fluffs up the pile and looks like more than what you started with!!! I think it might be time for another Twisted Sister log cabin as well!

  4. Way to go Carla. I think those little scraps reproduce overnight somehow. I have always loved that scrap vomit quilt too! Gah!!!
    Now I want to make one!

  5. I have the same affliction and I love what you've started!

  6. working on scraps right now, not getting very far but trying

  7. Yay for you! Two scrap busters begun! I spent a lot of time cutting down my bin of scraps into uniform sizes, but all I have to show for it is one scrap quilt made a year ago, and several bins of nicely shaped scraps. I need to use the rest of those scraps already! They multiply when I'm not looking so it's not going to get any easier the longer I wait.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You're doing a great job stash busting. I especially like the bottom project with the low volume charms.

  10. I have a scrap vomit on my Make Someday list too... I think they look so fun. I'm loving yours!

  11. I am in love with itty bitty squares. How many squares are you aiming for. I am up to 806 (but who's counting). I'm with you cutting 2.5" squares is time consuming but the result is so worth the trouble. Hope you had a guilt-free sleep! Happy scrap busting!

  12. This post made me laugh. Good on you for finding a way to outsmart the Guilt Police :-)

  13. It is going to look wonderful! I hate getting rid of scraps too - but I try to have a policy on the size of it (and shape of it).. Not easy.

  14. I keep the smallest of scraps too! I think I need to do something similar!

  15. I loved the end of your sentence, "one at a time"!! I could almost hear the dread when you typed those words! But out of the smallest things you are making something beautiful. I love how you are combining your charm packs with the smaller squares, now that's inspiring for even me wanting to have a go!

  16. I love what you are doing with your scraps. I have to deal with mine soon. Your blocks are amazing.

  17. Good ideas you have there using up scraps. It is hard to throw any of them away and I know I really need to do something with my scraps too. Great blocks.

  18. Guilty police! Really, I don't think you have to worry. My 2 1/2 pieces keep calling my name as well. I'll have to get on that. Lol!

  19. I love what you have started. This is inspiring and sounds so clear-cut (forgive the pun!) to get as many 2-1/2 inch squares as you can and then cut 1-1/2 inch strips. I could do this!! I only wish my scrap pile looked as pretty as yours. What to do when you are thrifty but no longer like those fabrics?

  20. Your scraps are gorgeous! This is a great way to use them :)

  21. i am looking forward to seeing what your sevond scrap project becomes! i just finished my second scrap quilt and me scrap.boxes still seem full.

  22. I'm so glad the guilty police won't be carrying you away!!! I love scrap quilts.

  23. I can't wait to see what you make with the little bits and the low volume charms!

    Thanks for feeding Mattias grapes today! He sure loved being there :)

  24. Holy cow... I am in awe!!! That's a LOT of little pieces!! I'm currently working on a stash buster and am starting to feel guilty about what I tossed. EEK.

    Maybe I would toss less if I had a scrap bin?! Hmmm.

  25. I definitely laughed out loud at the your DNA reference Carla. I'm like you with saving every little scrap . . . I just don't motivate like you to do something with them.

  26. Scraps might be my middle name! You go girl!

  27. You are so right: the time consuming part is spritzing and pressing the scrap to cut it into squares. This month's bee block is using up some strings, so my mess is being tamed a teensy bit too.

  28. Wow you have a lot of followers with the same problem - can you tell them about Scraptastic Tuesday and they can win prizes as they diminish their mountains of scrap!

    Love your projects and thanks for linking up to Scraptastic Tuesday! I shall be watching your progress with great interest!

  29. I love scraps! The trick for me seems to be to cut them down as soon as a project is done so they are already in a usable size. Love the way your projects are progressing and can't wait to see the finished tops.

  30. great use of scraps! I too have a hard time throwing anything away. You have given me some inspiration.

  31. Carla, everything you do makes me want to go immediately to my studio and make some of them too!!!! This is such a beautiful way to use up your 2-1/2" scraps!!! You know I'm going to have to make some too :)

  32. This is a terrific quilt! I love how the diamonds made of solids give just enough organization to all that scrappy madness!

  33. I love the scrap vomit quilt, it has been on my to do list for a long time. Your version is very nice.

  34. This is looking great. You made a good choice of pattern for your scraps.

  35. That is going to be great! I am with you - I feel so guilty for not using them.... I am having scrap attacks...its crazy. But I love your plan!!! Keep it up!

  36. I'm glad you are having fun, your scrappy projects are looking great. I'm glad you are joining us for Scraptastic Tuesday, and do feel free to invite your readers to join too.

  37. I can't hardly get rid of any scraps either.:) Love how your scraps are coming together!

  38. I'm looking forward to seeing these quilts grow and I'm glad the guilts aren't going to be carrying you away!

  39. I'm looking forward to seeing these quilts grow and I'm glad the guilts aren't going to be carrying you away!

  40. Love your scrappy quilt. It's been on my to-do list for a long time!

  41. Wow I wish my scrappy quilts would look like that.
    Turning out great
