Thursday, January 1, 2015


What better time to start a fresh new project than a new year ? !  This is a project that will span this whole coming year and potentially use 10 meters of my stash  : )  It's a win win in my books.

This is a free quilt along hosted by Katja.  It's english paper piecing using her book The New Hexagon. You can read more about it here

First there was a fabric pull to get started

Then the basting began. These shapes allow for some fussy cutting, so I started with these colourful birds and will play off them

For the next round I'm adding more red for a real pop of colour

This is the first rosette and the biggest of them all. There are a lot more pieces to add so I best get busy : )   I'll post a picture when it's all together.  Are you joining in ?

Happy New English Paper Piecing Year everyone!


  1. Looks good, Carla! Won't be joining in though, LOL
    I wish for you a Very Happy, Healthy and productive year,
    Happy New Year!

  2. Wow! I love this! It looks so different from Katja's - which is amazing too. I've been following along the blogs all talking about this QAL but have not jumped in yet. But your fabric selections are tempting me even more!

  3. What a smashing start! I love it so far.

  4. Wow, Carla! Those birds are so perfect! All the block looks amazing! I can imagine that it's hard to stop and you just want to continue to see how it grows. Happy NEW Year! x Teje

  5. Wow - once again Carla you've wowed me! Love the birds fussy cut in the center - too cute! Can't wait to see the rest of it :) Yes, I'm joining in but not sure how much I'll get done this month. Family visiting this first week and out of town for a family surgery next week. Hoping to get some of it prepped and ready for hand sewing while traveling :)

  6. I won't be joining in, as EPP is not my cup of tea, but it is looking fantastic.

  7. Wonderful start. I have that same bird fabric and haven't decided how to use it yet. I like how you have fussy cut the birds for the block.

  8. I love your birds and look forward to seeing your progress. I am not a fan of EPP but I do admire people who do like working that way.

  9. I have just requested this book from my library - thanks for the inspiration. Happy New Year to you also.

  10. Such a gorgeous start ! I will not be joining in but will enjoy watching your progress on this quilt :-D

  11. Looking great so far! Happy New year to you!

  12. I love your fabric pull and your first rosette has a wonderful balance of colours.

  13. I love everything about this- the birds, the spots, the yellow! This is going to be a stunning quilt Carla!

  14. What an amazing start! This is THE project to start a new year with. Those birds are so pretty..... And so is that fabric pull. Looking forward to following your progress. Happy 2015!

  15. Wow....that is going to be gorgeous.

  16. I've been thinking more and more about trying out quilting (to diversity my crafting activities - repetitive strain/chronic tendonitis in my wrists and arms is crushing my knitting time) -- and I have to say, your gorgeous quilt blocks and projects are making it seem AMAZING! :)

  17. yikes! A project like that would scare me to my core, but I'll totally be watching where you take it - looks like a terrific start!

  18. Looks like it will be a beautiful project!! Love your choices so far!!!

  19. It really is silly how giddy excited I am about your project!

  20. I love the use of the birds! Can't wait to see more of these beautiful blocks as you make them. Thank you for sharing the inspiration.

  21. Excited about your choices thus far and that red is awesome!!!! Following from the shadows.......

  22. I've got a "thing" for birds so I'm loving your rosette so far!! Can't wait to see more! Happy New Year!

  23. This is absolutely stunning!! So gorgeous. I can't wait to follow your progress this year...

  24. Wow those are beautiful fabrics...please keep posting pics of this stunning project...

  25. Great colors! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress during the year. Happy New Year!

  26. wow, carla, this is amazing!!! i am in awe!

  27. Happy New Year Carla!!! Wishing you all the best in 2015! I love your fussy cut sections! So pretty! At the moment I am not joining in but will live vicariously through you ;-)) I am taking an EPP class at QuiltCon so may revisit the quilt along then.

  28. Joining in?! Bless you but not this time ... you crack on though, m'dear, and I shall be watching from Wales with interest :)

  29. Absolutely gorgeous. I love the birds in that fabric. I want to shop in your stash....:))

  30. Your birds look great, very Spring like, and appropriate today as we have 12 inches + of new snow. Can't wait to see the progress. Great start..

  31. Alas no......but I will get my hexie fix by looking at what pretties you stitch!! Those li'l birdies are way too, love, LURVE!! The oxygen tank is standing nearby!! ;)

  32. I wish I were joining in. It looks like such fussy cutting fun!

  33. Beautiful. Why not join Katja (author) on Facebook in her Quilt Along.

  34. This looks absolutely amazing. The cutting out alone would have been a mission. The yellows and reds look great together. Can't wait for all the awesomeness to come together!! Best of luck for the year ahead.

  35. I wish you could come to my house and pull fabric with me. You have such good fabric taste.
