Monday, May 25, 2015


A couple of months ago, over on Instagram, I joined a Canadian birthday swap.  I have received some of the nicest parcels in the mail with treats and handmade things.  I thought I would try a little zipper pouch to send to the birthday girl this month.  Me and zippers don't normally get along, but I was a bit determined  : )

I chose fabrics that I hoped had a sort of vintage feel because she likes that.

This is the Open Wide Zipper Pouch and the tutorial can be found here

It turned out pretty good and I feel ok about sending it as part of my gift

I thought while it was fresh in my head I would try another. This time though, I put a little tab at the front of the zipper too so the installation would be a bit easier

It's ok

These fabrics are 'indelible' and I love them

the bottom of the pouch

Two pouches done and ready for gift giving : )
I think the second one will go to a certain girl who loves purple!

Enjoy your week


  1. Great job Carla! Don't you just love it when you stretch yourself to perfect a skill and it works out nicely? These will make lovely gifts :*)

  2. Those both look wonderful. You did a great job on the zippers too.

  3. Cute bags. Lots of great blocks and quilt in the previous posts, too (sorry, I'm catching up after a couple weeks away).

  4. They are both lovely. Perfect for gifts.

  5. Your pouches are beautiful!
    Sewing on this little tab is worth the work I think :-)

  6. I think they are fabulous! Your zippers look pretty perfect to me. I tend to make several pouches at a time just because like you said...while its fresh in my mind!

    What a fun swap! I don't know how everyone finds these swaps! I really want to try one!

  7. Hi Carla! These are Super beautiful! Your zippers look perfect and I love the Fabrics! x Teje

  8. The pouches look so nice. Thanks for the link!

  9. I spy with my li'l eye not one, but two gorgeous pouches AND.....some lovely Cosmos!! Those zippers look as if you have been zippering away all your life, Carla!!

  10. What a fun swap idea! Your pouches are lovely!! I would never have guessed you have issues with zippers ;-)

  11. Oh, I like those pouches. Lovely. I'm going to try to make one. Thanks for the tutorial link.

  12. The pouches are so cute. I wish I had purchased more Indelible. That purple print is so beautiful.

  13. I still adore that blue print on the first one.

  14. Terrific pouches, Carla! You'll love the dumpling bag, too, as putting in the zipper is a snap. I also love the wide-mouth pouch, too, and have made a few of these as well. I like that zipper off to the side.


  15. I love these!! Dimensional sewing is how I got hooked, so I love seeing bags pop up on your site. Your style suits these perfectly! :)
