Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Where do I start?  Some days are overwhelming when I walk into my room to sew.  Perhaps if it wasn't so messy......
I've not done too much other than work and spend time with the new babies.  Cuddles are very important : )

This is my design wall currently. My millefiori has been stalled for months.  Just a few more pieces and #3 will be done, but I just can't get with it

The blocks on the left have come in the mail and I am to make a quilt for charity. Unfortunately our group dissolved, so I don't think I will be getting any more blocks. Oh well, they are easy ones to make so I will get it done.  One day.

Patchwork City are fun blocks too.  Choosing colours each month has been great.  I need to keep one step ahead of everyone that is doing this as a block of the month through the shoppe. This is now sold out so the pressure is on  : )

Then there are the feathers.  I think 5 is it.  I'm deciding on a setting and it looks like I will have some improv piecing to do.  There is another baby shower this Saturday.  Think I'll be ready?

and because Christmas is just around the corner, I am making a scarf for a stocking stuffer.  This yarn is baby Alpaca and wool.  I really like this plum colour

The pattern is by Churchmouse Yarns and is called the Walking Rib Muffler.

I shouldn't be bored anyways

linking up with Let's Bee Social 


  1. No way could boredom show its lazy face at your house - you got it goin' on! I love the look of everything you are doing. It's fun to have things to choose from to work on, isn't it?

  2. I am so jealous of your huge design wall! I love the look of everything up there too!

  3. love the colors you are using for the Patchwork City blocks.

  4. What a pretty sight. Even with nothing finished, it is a joy to behold. Maybe, instead of feeling overwhelmed by everything you could be doing, you could just sit back and enjoy looking at what you have already done :)

  5. Loving everything on your wall! No mention though of the cute little cardinal block...that's my favourite. I've been in a sewing slump but started back at it today.

  6. Ah, you know what I say, "Better busy than bored!" Your Patchwork City blocks are looking great, as are the feathers! And cuddles are SO important! So don't feel guilt about that!

  7. what pattern is the feathers? They are so pretty. Love your color choice!

  8. What size are the charity blocks? I could make one or two up quick for you!

  9. What a busy lady, love the feathers, and all your projects are amazing. And the Christmas scarf, love the colours.
    Always very impressive Carla!

  10. Hi Carla! Looks very exciting on your wall! x Teje

  11. I love looking at your wall! So pretty and interesting! I'm a fan of the feathers. They are always so cool. And the Patchwork City is amazing (or it will be!!)

  12. All your projects are gorgeous!! I love seeing what your working on. I have way to many projects on the go too. But I just pick one or two to work on at a time. And really focus on those. If I get bored with them, then I'll work a bit at another one. Your doing great!! I love all the projects you make!!!

  13. Sometimes just sitting back and letting the colors and fabrics on the design wall surround us is enough. Soak in their cheerfulness and relax. Sewing will always be there but little itty bitty babies grow too too fast.

  14. I will make charity blocks for you too. Size please? 12" finished?

  15. Though all those quilts in progress will look beautiful when they're all stitched up, 'tis a pity they cannot stay forevermore on your design wall. I love them just as they are. As for those feathers.....hop, hop, there's no time to be blogging, you have a baby shower to present this lovely! =)

  16. oh wow, your design wall is beautiful! It's funny how projects get stalled, for different reasons. I bet that when it's right, you'll pick them up again. And the scarf on the needles is really pretty, I love the texture.

  17. I see others have offered to make blocks for you, which was what I was writing to offer. Just a token of appreciation for all the sharing that you do on your blog. My email is:, if you prefer to send details on the blocks and address to send them to in that way.

  18. Your design wall is so lovely! (I'm so glad to hear one of Katia's employees has stalled on the millefiori, as I have long since done so as well.) Patchwork City is so intriguing! Best of luck on all your projects!

  19. I love absolutely everything on your design wall! I can't wait to see these projects finished!

  20. Your design wall is not quite as bad as mine. When I first put it up I thought it was so big but now it's 75% full of stalled projected waiting for inspiration. You've got some lovely projects waiting for your attention!

  21. Some great projects on that wall Carla. It's hard sometimes to get inspired with WIPs. That's the time to start something new LOL

  22. Baby alpaca is simply the most amazing yarn ever! IMHO LOL

  23. Sister, you are speaking my language. I love the Millefiori quilt but am at about the same stage as you. I am so accustomed to working with smaller pieces so these big hexagons are a challenge for me.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Baby cuddles take priority over sewing any day.
    If you want more blocks for your charity quilt, I will send you a couple.

  26. I can see I've been missing a lot while I've been traveling.
    I got stuck on Rosette #3 forever! It was those outer blocks--they just didn't seem to work for me. So I found an alternate version which worked much better for my vision of things. I say, don't hesitate to change things up if it works better for you. Of course, I pop out all my papers except for the outer ring, once I finish a rosette, so I have lots of hexie designs to choose from.

    I love all your other projects--you are amazing. Can't you move next door so you can inspire me daily?

  27. Oh you've got so many goodies happening on your design wall!

  28. With my new work schedule, I haven’t even crossed the threshold to my crafting room in *weeks*!! This makes me want to dash down and sew something up!
