Friday, April 8, 2016


The other day, a woman came into the shop and I sort of recognized her.  She looked a little surprised and said "is this YOUR shop?"   I told her it was, and she said "well you're the reason I'm knitting!"
Now it was my turn to look surprised.  She proceeded to tell me that several years ago one of her sons was heading to Guatemala on a missions trip and I donated a bunch of baby quilts and little knitted hats to match for the orphanage down there.  After seeing the impact it had on the people working there, she decided she needed to learn how to quilt.  She said with a laugh "well THAT didn't work, so I took up knitting".  Suddenly I felt like Mrs. McArthur    It was really nice to know that something I did and had totally forgot about had made an impact on someone else.  Quilting matters. Knitting matters.  But most of all, giving of our time and talent matters.

I got some happy mail yesterday!  These blocks arrived for my knitty quilt from Mary

I just love them.  Thank you Mary!

They tie in perfectly with my block and I just can't wait to get this quilt together  : )
I've got all kinds of words going through my head, but the wall in the shop where it will go is only so big.  Once again I will have to demonstrate some self control..............

Have a lovely week end,


  1. What a nice surprise for you! (I love how 'came into my shop' just seemed to roll off your tongue (well - I read it that way. perhaps it gave you pause as you typed it... ;-)
    Giving of yourself does matter and it IS valuable, and you got to be reminded in the nicest of ways.

    Seeing as how I've only just learned to knit (and still only the knit stitch, at that!) I don't know what your quilt blocks mean, but they look lovely. Looking forward to seeing the others as they arrive (I'm curious if your bee mates are all also knitters?)

    have a fabulous weekend ~ Tracy

  2. You are an inspiration to so many people, lovely Carla. Love those blocks. This quilt is going to be so cool!

  3. Isn't it wonderful that we can be an inspiration to others, and often without knowing it! I must make a siggy block to go with my 'cast on'! And they will be in the mail early next week....

  4. oh my gosh, that is so exciting that you have had not just an impact on a community in need, but on another who then took up crafting because your work was so inspiring!! See, this is why you are perfectly suited to having your shop- I'm sure you will inspire many others!

  5. I love hearing stories like that of how connections are made and people influenced by things we do. Quilting and knitting DO matter. Keep up all the good work Carla.

  6. What a great story, Carla, I'm sure you have been an inspiration to many people, not only in quilting but also in knitting. The "knitting quilt" is going to be a nice burst of colour in your shop, love it!

  7. That is a GREAT story! I know you will continue to inspire many more.

    Glad that the words will work well for your quilt. I look forward to seeing it.

  8. Such a great story--and what a lovely way to close that circle of sharing your knitting! Mary's words look terrific--she's so on the ball!


  9. Those surprises and compliments are the best!
    Love those words!

  10. I think it is delightful that this lady acknowledged the part you play in developing her interests. What a lovely compliment.
    And the blocks looks great!

  11. I absolutely adore small world stories like these! They make me smile. (I also am loving these word blocks. SO FUN.

  12. What an amazing story, paying it the spell bee blocks!

    Continue to inspire Carla!

  13. 'That didn't work, so I took up knitting.' So funny!
    Yes, you are inspiring, just like Mrs McArthur.

  14. Self control is over rated! LOL! Love the latest knit blocks.

  15. Carla! Best of luck to you in your new shop! I hope you have lots of customers already! I wish I could be one, but, alas, I have not, yet, learned how to knit, and I live in the States, but if I ever get to BC, I will look you up.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog to comment on the cross quilt. I love them, too!
    take care,

  16. How neat is that?! Great post.
