Monday, May 16, 2016


Every day, in between serving customers and putting out new stock, there is a bit of time to sneak in a few stitches. Samples really help to sell yarn when people can see and feel what it's like knitted up.

Hats are fast and cute so I made a couple out of the cotton/rayon blend.  It feels wonderful.

chocolate and aqua

lavender and green

Then this happened.  I couldn't resist this gorgeous skein any longer so started a summer shawl

It's called 'creamsicle'.  LOVE it. This yarn is hand dyed right here in town by Smith and Ewe.

and how cute is this?  I was gifted this entire bolt of cute sheep fabric. Ooh the possibilities.  I know one thing for sure is it will be the backing for my 'knitty' word quilt.  So fun

This past week hubby built a new display. I saw something similar on Pinterest, and showed him. He's amazing. I love the industrial pipe and there is so much more display space than the table I had before.  Good thing, because loads more is expected this week  : )

What are you working on ?

Happy stitching,


  1. I love the new hats and the colour choices, Carla!!
    Also love the new display shelves that Bliss made, much more efficient for showing all the wonderful, colourful yarn. Now you can use the table for visiting with your customer friends!!!

  2. love the orange...I just saw a pattern for a gorgeous sweater that just might be my next exciting...

  3. Your shop is so pretty. Almost makes me want to knit

  4. Your display shelf is wonderful - such eye candy!!! Hubby did a great job :*) I know I always tend to buy more yarn when I can see an actual sample of the yarn and pattern made up. Otherwise, I tend to think it's like advertisements for hamburgers ... no "real" hamburger ever turns out to look like the sample, right? I absolutely LOVE that creamsicle yarn and the way your shawl is looking so far!

  5. I working on a new jumper! I hope to have the front finished this week! I think I will knit the sleeves at the same time. Do you ever do that Carla?

  6. Great display idea. Husbands can be good for some things can't they? . . . haha. I also love the chocolate and aqua color combo. Very pretty.

  7. Your store is looking stunning. I do agree that samples make all the difference to sales. I love seeing yarn knitted up and being able to feel its softness.

  8. Love those first 2 colors combos. I like the hat pattern too, where 1 color works in to the next. Might have to do this in a quilt...

  9. The new display unit is fabulous and so are you knittings! Samples do make all the difference!


  10. Sweet little hats! I love! And that display?!?! Oh my goodness... AMAZING!
