Tuesday, September 6, 2016


That's it. Summer is over. We had SO much rain that it felt like fall the entire time! Oh well, it's great stitching weather. None of these projects are finished, but they are sure close!

The second 'plus' top for my grand daughter. I need to pick out the quilting I've done so far. I don't like it. Sigh.......

My Metro Area blocks from Patchwork City.  So excited for this one to be done !

My second top down sweater.  I love how these are constructed. No seams when the knitting is finished.

Changed out the window in my shop for fall, and I warmed up 10 degrees just looking at it : )
So many rich colours of yarny goodness.  I really need to get cracking on some Christmas gifts.
Have you started?

Happy stitching,


  1. I love both quilt tops. They are looking great. Your sweater is progressing nicely. I like the colours. Your window display is beautiful. Love how you used a quilt in it too.

  2. There you go again, reminding me Christmas needs to be thought about...I wish you wouldn't. =) Both the quilts are lovely and the Metro City blocks; how amazing. So you are going to unpick some quilting....yukkity yuk! No wonder everybody flocks to your lovely little shop, your window displays are always so enticing. The little sweater is sweet, great there are no seams...such pretty wool. Have a gorgeous week, lovely Carla (even if some unpicking of some stitches 'needs' to be done)!

  3. Two lovely quilts. And a sweater with no seams? I might need to pick up my needles again! I loved the knitting, hated joining the pieces.

  4. I love seeing the new window decor. The autumn colors are so pretty.

    Beautiful quilt top too.

    You could share your rain!!!! ;-)

  5. Sounds like your summer wAs the complete opposite of ours - we are drought conditions and waiting for rain, snow, anything. Many of the crops are sub-par. Gorgeous sweater!

  6. I so often see pictures of your shop in your posts (like today's fabulous season-change photo) and wish I could come up and visit. But since I'm not a knitter, I would just get in your way, but I would certainly admire everything again and again! Your Metro quilt is looking great, as are your other cross quilts. And can I say I'm just so jealous about your rain??

  7. Love everything you've posted here, such a pretty blog post. Nice work.

  8. Lovely to see all your projects on the go.
    And your window display looks great.

  9. Your window looks gorgeous! So inspirational for fall! It's not here yet in California but I hope it's coming soon! That Metro Area quilt is amazing! Happy Making! -Sierra

  10. Unpicking quilting? Yikes. That is no fun. At least you have lots of pretty fabrics to look at as you unpick.
    I like the idea of a top-down-no-sew sweater.
    Summer might be over there, but it still feels wintry here. I am looking forward to some warm spring weather.

  11. Glad you are keeping busy. LOL! Love all your projects.

  12. I just love the soft colors of your plus quilt. Good luck with the quilting. I also enjoy seeing the shop window. It looks like you had fun with the fall setting.
