Sunday, October 30, 2016


Don't fall over.  I actually found the time to sit and write a bit in this space.  I have missed being here... the interaction with you

Since I last posted I have been kept busy with family things and my shop.  Thank you to all who commented about my Mother's stroke.  She is still battling fatigue, but is so much better.  Not back to bowling yet, but soon. This is Mom at my grand babe's 1st birthday party. She looks tired, but still likes to look her best : )

This is the birthday boy. The photo is a bit fuzzy, but he just doesn't keep still

Precious as the day is long !!  He's wearing the sweater I knit him. The hat was a no go.

I got my September's block pieced.  This is for Rachel who will soon be a bee keeper.

Good thing I double checked my word for the month because I had it in my head that I was to piece 'Larry'.  Seriously?

I'm knitting my daughter a large shawl out of a wool/alpaca blend. She is anxious to have it so I best get cracking

Saturday I had a 'Food for Fiber' sale. It was very well attended and we collected a lot of food and raised some cash for a local charity. Customers received 25% off if they brought a food item or tossed me a townie. I'm thinking of making this an annual thing.  So much fun!

And, this bad boy is quilted.  Happy dance!  Now the task of making the binding, but I do enjoy that part. Hand sewing it is a favourite because I get to snuggle under it in the process.

Thanks for reading today. It was nice to chat again : )



  1. Lovely to see you mother doing so well. And the birthday boy looks full of beans in his new jumper.
    Great work on the shawl. I love the effect the pattern is creating.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. So glad your mum is doing well. Gorgeous knitting.

  4. Wonderful that your mom is doing well♥

  5. Lovely projects that shawl and the sleeve details on your grandson's pullover. The yarns you used are gorgeous.

  6. Welcome back, Carla, your Mother looks great!!!!
    Baby is beautiful and your Food for Fiber day was a wonderful idea.
    Glad to see your posting!

  7. The sweater you knitted looks so cute on your grandson!! Glad your mom is getting better. She looks great in the photo. Your quilt is looking amazing. Must feel good to have it almost done!

  8. You are still keeping very's a wonderful thing when hobbies and work mingle together so nicely...such a blessing. Your sale was great can't wait to work on my new projects

  9. Your mother looks amazing and it's good to see she is coming back to her best after her stroke. Your little grand baby boy is adorable. What joy they bring and knitting for them is so rewarding. My daughters have kept and saved every item I knitted for my 4 grandies.
    Jo x

  10. Your mom looks very elegant. Glad she is doing well. The little guy is adorable. Hard to believe it is one year already.

    Love that gorgeous quilt.

  11. It is wonderful that your mum is on the mend.
    Larry? That's funny! Why Larry? :)

  12. Good to hear that your Mum is recovering. She looks well :) And your sweet grandson looks adorable in his sweater. I know the hat would have looked very nice too! I think your shop event was a great idea and your daughter's shawl is growing beautifully :)
    Thank you for linking up with Wool on Sundays :)

  13. You have been missed, welcome back! I am so pleased to know your mother is doing better! She is a beautiful and classy lady from the looks of her photo!
    Continued health! Your grandson sure is a handsome fellar!

  14. Hi Carla! I'm sorry to hear about your mother but happy that she's better now. Little boy looks cute in his jumper. I can only imagine how busy he is! And you, how you find any time for quilting when having the shop and knitting?! I think your day has more hours than mine! x Teje

  15. Uhhh...this Yank doesn't know what a townie is. I'm guess a monetary denomination? Your Mom is looking good as is the grandbabe. I think the new shawl will be fun too. Is it "scrappy" or the patterns/colors will repeat?

  16. I still can't believe how much you get done in a day! But... it is nice to see you back in this space (finally catching up myself)! I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, but relieved to hear she's on the mend... and looking fabulous! Enjoy your weekend...

  17. Your mother looks a picture. How lovely she looks. So happy she is beginning to feel better. Sweet li'l grandson. What is it with hats and babies?? Pretty shawl and your "bad boy" is stunning.

  18. Wonderful finish. I've enjoyed seeing all those colorful blocks come together along the way. Wishing your mom the best too.
