Thursday, December 22, 2016


For the past seven years, I have been sewing and trading bee blocks with wonderful on-line ladies.  It has been a lot of fun. and i have sewn some blocks that I never would have otherwise.
The other night, I mailed my last three blocks away. It was such a relief, but I also know that I'm going to miss doing it, and getting them in the mail.
This coming year will be weird as I will be sewing just for me. Imagine  : )

I have been busy finishing up some stocking stuffers. As usual it's the last minute...........

For my grand daughters I decided on a first pair of skates for Christmas. Of course they will need some accessories, so I made mittens.  Those two are all about the sparkle, so I have done the cuff out of some 'tinsel' yarn

Little miss 'J's are nearly done. Her hands are no bigger than her baby brother's so I had to adjust the pattern some.  They are so tiny!

Their mom and dad have built a doll house and are trying to furnish it.  My daughter in law asked me for a duvet cover for a twig bed they have built.  She wanted 'soft'. I really had to dig for this fabric as most of my stash is now modern.

I tied it with embroidery floss and added some buttons across the top.  I hope she likes it

I have wanted to make this little pot holder all year!  My son moved out and I had intended to make him a bunch of stuff.  I hope he's forgotten...............

This is why I haven't been sewing. Ever since I opened the shop, my sewing room has become a dumping ground.  I'll give you just a peek

It is soooooo overwhelming that I can hardly breathe when I go in there. So I don't.  This Christmas day and boxing day my hubby works, so I plan on spending two days in there shoveling.  That is going to feel so very good.

Merry Christmas to me!!!!

I'll leave you with something that's not a mess.  A picture of one side of my little shop.

We moved a couple of displays to make room for more inventory that is coming.  I'm pretty full now and things are going great. So very blessed : )

Merry Christmas to all of you dear readers.  I will see you in the new year !



  1. Those pink mittens are so sweet. I hope you will share pictures of the duvet cover on the bed. It sounds beautiful.

    Have fun organizing! Merry Christmas.

  2. Those pink mittens! So cute! When my son moved out I made him a stack of Batman potholders. It's now been three years and I keep asking if he needs new ones. He won't let me replace them! It's fun to sew for sons (he's our only). I'm sure you have a plan to tackle your sewing room but here's what I do - I set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes. I work hard for that amount of time. If I'm "okay" when the timer goes off, I reset it for the same amount of time. If I don't feel okay, I reset it and go do something else - read, unload the dishwasher, etc. Knowing I only have to go at it for 15-20 is huge for me. Good luck!

  3. I'm glad to see your shop is doing so well! Enjoy sewing for yourself!

  4. I'm so glad your shop mis doing well! It looks wonderful and if I lived closer I'd be popping in to drool on a regular basis. Love thjose "tinsel top" mittens :)

  5. It is lovely to see what you are making. The mitten are so sweet! And how lovely to be able to make something for the doll house.
    I am sure your son will understand.
    Good luck with your clean out in the sewing room. There could be some great discoveries.

  6. I am so happy to hear that your shop is doing well, even if it does mean that your sewing time is suffering. Merry Christmas!

  7. The mitten/skate idea brings back so many wonderful childhood memories for me, growing up in St. Paul,MN, where skating at the neighborhood parks was done in every free moment!!! Be very careful when you clean/straighten your nest!!!! You will find that afterwards you will be searching for that thing that "was" here!!!!! LOL!!!!!! Although, that space does seem to be a bit(?) claustrophobic!!!!!!

  8. Love the mittens and duvet Carla - so cute.
    Your shop looks amazing. I am a yarn lover who doesn't knit.
    I feel exacting the same way about the bee swaps as you. Hopefully we'll still keep in touch.
    Merry Christmas

  9. Merry Christmas to you and all your beautiful family!!!!!!

  10. I've enjoyed seeing your blocks over the years - and you even inspired me to do a block swap with a friend. Enjoy the time you get to sew for yourself! I'm glad that the shop is doing well too.
    Wishing you a very blessed Christmas season!

  11. Carla, the little mittens are so cute, I wish I was as talented as you are and don't worry about your sewing room, mine always looks like that! Merry Christmas to you, Bliss and your family.

  12. Those mittens are absolutely beautiful. I'm sure the girls loved them. Thanks for showing a peek of your messy sewing room - I'm always happy to see someone else's mess or unfinished projects as it makes me feel less alone in my own mess!

  13. How beautiful, Carla! Happy New Year and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  14. Such pretty and fun goodies in those photos! I love the potholder! I think I may try some of those this year. And... seven years is a long time! I can imagine the relief you felt with the end in some ways though. You have a LOT on your plate with the shop too!

  15. My sewing room was in turmoil the other day and yes I turned around and walked straight out again. It can be overwhelming when things are messy and it makes you unorganised and feeling souless, well for me it does. Once you find "your space" again you will be flowing like the rest of us. So glad to read you are having "me time" now and just sewing for yourself.

  16. Here I am visiting after a month......oops....please forgive me! Your sewing room looks like it is burgeoning at the seams. If I lived near you I would come and tidy it up for you....just to have a peek-a-boo at your lovely stash. Cute as cute gloves, how pretty with that little bit of shimmer. Funky pot holder and as for your shop....if it were me, I think I would take up residence there.

  17. The mittens and the duvet covers are soft and sweet! Your shop looks lovely. Great to have a shop like that in exchange for a messy sewing room.

