Sunday, February 26, 2012


These little quiltys are off to warmer climates. Lucky them. When I took this picture, it was -8c. Brrrrr

Every year the grade 10's in my daughters school go to Guatemala on a missions trip. Three of my kids have been fortunate enough to go and see that not everyone lives like they do. They do things like poor cement floors in "houses" for families living on dirt, build playground equipment, and stock hospitals with supplies. Each student takes a hockey sized duffel bag with them, full of items to be handed out or left there for future use.  For the past several years, I have chosen to send quilts and baby items down. I feel for these young Moms who have so little to start, and then have a new one to care for. When one of my kids was there, they were at the hospital, and witnessed a mother taking home her baby in the dad's t-shirt. That's all they had.  Some mothers deliver, and sneak off in the night, leaving baby because they have nothing at all to provide for him/her.
  Anyway, I like to put together layettes, to be left at the hospital so when Mom comes in she is given a little bundle of things to help her take care of baby. A little bundle of "encouragement". Thank-you to those of you who have made things and spent time and money on items to go there. Much appreciated for sure.

Today, (and every day) I am thankful that when I brought my babies home from the hospital, I didn't need to worry about how I was going to clothe or provide for them. We are blessed.
Happy Sunday : )


  1. A lovely post and a great opportunity for your kids - they will learn so much!

  2. They all look wonderful. I'm sure they will be put to good use!

  3. How beautiful! Thanks for sharing this.

  4. What it is all about! Such a great gift to give and to be received!

  5. I've had some family experience with Guatemala and know they have great need. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  6. Beautiful Quilts for a beautiful cause!

  7. that is so funny that you posted about this because my husband and i were talking about this just yesterday... how blessed we are that our kids have been healthy and how grateful we are that we are able to care for them. i can't imagine how hard it would be to be in that situation! bless you for doing this!

  8. On the quilting forum that I'm a member of, it's often said that quilters are some of the most giving people - and you've proven that once again.
    Thank you for blessing some of the new moms with beautiful quilts! and a great big THANK YOU goes out to the school too - that trip blesses the Guatemalan people, and your young people as well - I'm not sure who gets the best blessing!

  9. your artworks are really fascinating!!!

    congrats and greetings from Madrid,
