Monday, February 13, 2012

MY 100th POST and a GIVEAWAY !!!

Give-away now closed.

Hard to believe, but it's true. According to my little stats counter, this is my 100th post.  When I started this blog, I remember seeing people on other blogs celebrating their own milestones and wondering, "Will I ever get there"?
It certainly has gone by fast, and has been loads of fun!  I believe it's proper blog "etiquette" to host a give-away on such an occasion, so last Thursday I whipped up this little mug rug while thinking about YOU.

Also I have 2 charm packs, and some chocolate from Purdy's. If you are from Canada, you know all about Purdy's chocolate.

Soooooo, wanna sip tea, eat chocolate, and cut into some charm squares?  Just leave me a comment on this post.
 I will leave it open for a few days and then get my hubby to do the random generator thingy to choose a winner.
Thank-you for all the encouragement over the past year and a half : )



  1. Congratulations on your milestone... I love reading your blogs and I love the projects that you post.... Always Inspiring!
    Is there a Moda class on Saturday?

  2. That is adorable! I think I should win because I am not familiar with that chocolate. And congratulations on your milestone!

  3. Congrats on your 100th post!! I am really enjoying your blog. I am excited about the giveaway - adorable mug rug and I LOVE Reunion!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Congratulations on your 100th post! Your mug rug is adorable. Thanks for the opportunity.

  5. Congratulations! I have been enjoying your blog since you found mine!! Thanks :). Looking forward to seeing more of your lovely work!

  6. Congrats that's a lot of posting.
    Stop by for my quilt givaway to guess my babys b-day and weight.

  7. Congratulations on the big "100"!
    I love coming here every day or two, just to see what you've been up to, and I especially love the hexie project and the Farmer's Wife.
    I made a few mug-rugs for gifts at Christmas, but forgot to save one for me! (They weren't as pretty as yours either...). And finally, I've lived in Canada for the past 49 years, and I DON'T KNOW PURDY'S CHOCOLATE!!! Isn't that shameful!? Maybe I'll have a chance to find out how wonderful it is! Congrats to whoever the winner is!

  8. I love reading your blog and seeing all the projects you are working on. Congrats on your 100th post and all the best for your next 100! Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. Yes, yes, and yes! Congrats!! 100 is a big deal, and I'm sure glad I've been around for many of them. (Darling mug rug btw!)

  10. Congrats Carla, I look forward to reading your blog. :D


  11. Oh dear Carla: How I long to be the recipient of your delightful give away. Thank you for being such an ispiration and patient to us newer quilters. Blessings

  12. Congratulations on 100 posts. I love the mug rug. I hope you do a tutorial someday, I would love to learn how to make the cups. I am from Canada and know all about Purdys chocolate. Yum!!. Thank you for a great giveaway

  13. congrats on 100! i have enjoyed getting to know you and also have enjoyed watching what you make! i look forward to the next 100!

  14. congrats on 100 posts! Big news! and thanks for the chance to win such cute mug rug and goodies

  15. Congratulations on 100 posts. It's a great achievement!

  16. Congrats on your 100th post. Love that mug rug, thanks for the chance to win it :-)

  17. Awesome Carla! 100 wow! So do love your blog. It has a spirit about it that is hard to explain. Keep sharing and caring about the quilting community for the next 100! Excited about the give away! TTYS

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Congratulations!
    I'm not from Canada - so I'm not familiar with Purdy's Chocolate. But I would love to win it!
    Best regards
    Birgitt from Germany

  20. congratulations, it a great milestone, and I like reading your postings!
    I don´t know this chokolade, but I´m sure I´ll like it ☺
    The Mugrug ist absolutely gorgeous and charmpacks always yummi *lol*
    Thanks for the chance to win ♥

  21. Congrats Carla! Love your fabric choice for the hexagons!!!

  22. Congratulations, Carla, I read your blog every day and find it most enjoyable. Keep up the good work - I know that you will have lots of interesting things for us to learn in the future.

  23. So happy I found you and look forward to your next 100 posts and your next 100 posts and your....well, you get the point! Happy Valentine's Day! Deb.

  24. Congratulations on making 100 posts (I made it there and forgot to celebrate). :) Happy Valentine's Day and here's to another 100 more posts!

  25. Congrats Carla, you know I love your blog. Thanks for always posting MODA pictures so quickly.
    Lorraine B

  26. Congratulations Carla!
    Love the blog and all the post about quilting and family!
    Sonja M
    You know where to find me!

  27. Congratulations! I'm afraid I'm not so great at commenting but I assure you I enjoy your posts very much and I'm always looking forward for more :)

  28. congrats!..I love the mug rug, but I love love the colors in the mug on the rug even more. wow very pretty

    marlib7 on ravelry

  29. Congrats on 100 posts! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.. I love to try the choc bar too :)

  30. Congratulations on your 100th post! By the way...I vote for the teal not the orange(as per your previous post). It just suits your lovely hexagons so well. I love the mug rug.It would be fun to use beside my sewing machine each day. Ursula

  31. Wow, 100 posts. that is quite the accomplishment.

    Congratulations, Jera

  32. that is a beaut of a mug rug and I would love to win those charm packs

  33. I enjoy your posts and check regularly for new ones. 100 posts is quite a milestone, Congratulations.

  34. Congrats! Love the mug on a mug rug. Enjoyed reading some of your past posts.

  35. Conratulations! Love your blog! I really admire you for all the things that you sew and those 100 posts!
    Terrific giveaway! It doesen't say if it's open to international participants (I'm from Spain), if it's not and I was so lucky to win please give it to another random number. Thanks.

  36. Congrats, thanks for sharing all your wonderful work with us!

  37. congratulations on your milestone xx lovely fabrics xx

  38. Congratulations, your posts are always inspiring.
    Love the mug rug.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Congratulations on 100 post. Love the mug rug.


  41. Hi carla thank you for your comment.Best wishes jackie x

  42. Congrat on 100 posts, I always enjoy your blog! Great giveaway and I love your little mug rug and how it matches the cup!
    Quilting by the River

  43. So Carla gal I love your blogs....more important I love you. I look forward to reading your blogs and seeing your pictures.

  44. Congrats on your milestone! What sweet gifts and glad I found your blog!

  45. Congratulations on 100 posts! Lovely giveaway - I love Reunion. :) I live in Canada, but have never heard of Purdy's chocolate. But that's okay - I love chocolate by any name! ;)

  46. good job on 100 posts. I found you on flickr. love your work, and it's nice to find canadian-I'm guessing from the purdy's:)- blogs to follow. And I'd love to win . you've combined my passions, chocolate and quilts!

  47. Good for you Carla! I haven't even posted 100 times yet and I have been blogging for almost 4 years. Haha. You also have a lovely amount of commenters here! I'm thrilled for you.

  48. O how wonderful that mug rug is, and I am loving your blog as I cruise through it a little bit. New follower - congrats on your 100th post. Would love that mug rug - Tea is part of my blog name!

  49. Congratulations on your 100 posts. WTG! Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  50. Congrats on 100 posts. I love the mug rug -- so cute!

  51. Congrat's on your milestone,before you know it it will be 200! Great giveaway and would love to win it all.

  52. well done Carla- 100 posts is a very nice accomplishment.
    I love the beautiful pitcher on your mug rug too.
    Purdy's chocolate is yummy. Thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway. Warmest regards,

  53. Congratulations!
    Thank you for the giveaway - I would love to win because I've never heard of that chocolate!

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. Congrats on 100 posts

    Love the mug rug - You are so talented - Please include me in the giveaway -Thank you ;)

  56. Congratulations! What a lovely mug rug! Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. Your pile of cups are wonderful. Congrats on the 100 post and the 100 followers!

  58. Love the paper-pieced pattern on the mug rug. Well done! Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  59. Congrats on hitting your hundreth post. Many more to you. Thanks for thinking of us and sharing with us.

  60. Congratulations on your 100th post!! The mug rug is adorable! What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  61. Congratulations on 100 posts! That's a lovely mug rug!

  62. Congratulations on your 100th post!!!! I'll look forward to browsing your blog while I'm here! I'd love to be included. The mug rug is just delightful!

  63. Happy to discovery quilting blogs by Canadians especially here in BC. Purdys is the best and I really like Sweetwater's fabrics. Congrats on the 100th blog, keep up the good work
