Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I got the binding on my scrappy quilt. I had originally thought of a red polka dot, but then this orange jumped out at me. I like it.........a lot.

Because of the scrappy nature of this quilt, I opted to use bits and pieces for the back too. I had just enough of a few flannels to piece together a backing. This should keep a baby warm and cozy : )

I love this quilt not only for it's simplicity, but for it's economic qualities as well. What could be more simple than tiny bits sewn onto the corners of squares? I first saw this about a year ago on "Blue Elephant Stitches" and saved a picture of it. Jolene's blog has been such an inspiration to me, and sadly she is backing away from the blogging world. She is on to different things but you can still stop by her blog for about a month or so to have a look around. All the best in the future Jolene.

I want to make three hundred  several of these and send them to Guatemala next year.
 Hold me to it, okay?

This fabric came in today.  Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket for Moda. This may have to be my next project.
Such soft, calming colours.

That's it for now.
Happy Stitching.


  1. That quilt is so pretty and I love the pop that the orange binding gives it!

  2. Ahhh, the baby quilt is so cute!

  3. I totally like the orange binding! Agreed - simplicity can be so lovely! Nicely done.

  4. Gorgeous quilts! And yes, the orange is perfect. "Salt Air' hmmm..... I wasn't going to buy new fabric this March....hmmmm :)

  5. You get to "touch" the most amazing fabrics.
    I love that baby quilt. Just think of the family that will enjoy that!
    Is spring coming there? -10 today! I am kinda done with winter.

  6. i love that orange binding. i love jolenes blog so much. i was super bummed out when i read that she was bowing out a bit. makes me so sad. she is so talented, as are you. love this quilt!

  7. What a great way to use up some scraps! And I'm excited to see what you make with the cosmo cricket fabrics. I have my eye on them.

  8. What a beautiful quilt, love the design! Your new fabrics look like they will be fun to play with!
