Saturday, January 19, 2013


Comma is finished, but small. With my fat eighth bundle, I was only able to make a few blocks before I ran out of the black. My boss Katja graciously let me have her fat quarters from her bundle and I was off and running again.  It was my "felicity" for the week.

This quilt definitely satisfies my love of  X blocks, as well as + blocks. The best of both worlds I'd say.

The fabrics are very masculine, but fun at the same time. The quilt measures 38 x 51 so I'm thinking that I will set it aside until the yardage comes in. Then the plan is to make more blocks until it's a good size lap or twin.  I'm hoping one of my boys might like it  : )

That's it for this week. Hope you get some sewing time this week end.

Linking up with Friday Felicities

fe-lic-i-ty : a source of happiness


  1. All time favorite x & + quilt! Beautiful!

  2. Fantastic.
    Liebe Grüße Grit from Germany

  3. I love your color combination. Beautiful Man, it looks cold outside where you were taking photos. Bundle up in that quilt.

  4. It's a wonderful quilt! Love the colors and the pattern suits the fabric very well.

  5. What a great quilt! I love how the orange plus blocks pop to the foreground.

  6. Great way to do an x and + quilt. Like how "tidy" it is:)

  7. It's beautiful! Such a striking color combination!

  8. Looks great so far, I'm sure one of your boys will love it!

  9. Perfect color selection! Beautiful!

  10. Carla, this is fantastic! I've had a pack of Comma in and out of my basket all week. I'm definitely going to have to buy it!

  11. You work sew fast! I love the colors and the name, it's perfect!

  12. Beautiful, but you scared me and I feel so guilty for not having made your bee block yet :( I was hoping to get to it tomorrow. xo Sana

  13. Very nice, and the colors are certainly different than what we usually see here!

  14. It is an amazing quilt! I love the colours together!

  15. Carla, your 'Comma' quilt top is beautiful! I love orange as you may know and even I'm not veryu comfortable with black, it's perfect with this pattern! I would love to make this pattern, too! x Teje

  16. Awesome! I prefer x and + blocks when they're not scrappy - these are perfect!

  17. Love it! Yay for this colour combo!

  18. WOW I looove this, Carla! Definitely a felicity. Thanks for linking up!

  19. Impressive! I knew that it would be great when I saw the blocks but it's even better than I imagined.

  20. You're right - this would make a great guy's quilt! Awesome colour choices.

  21. This is the first x&+ that I've seen done in a limited striking!

  22. I love this fabric line. One of those things I am going to have to buy.

  23. Just gorgeous!!! I love the Comma line, and the black and orange combination is very striking.

  24. Oh it's awesome! How nice of your boss to loan you fabric, hope the yardage arrives soon!

  25. This is so very cute. I love the snow in the background! Perfect place for a quilt to be.

  26. Very clever use of color. I know you are going to make more blocks but what about borders? I always struggle with borders so I like to hear how other's decide...

  27. i cannot wait to get my hands on comma yardage! this is such a beautiful quilt!

  28. Looks wonderful Carla, definitely one for the boys I am sure they will love it!

  29. This is one of my favorite quilts that you made. I like the pattern and color choice. It would look lovely in my house!
