Friday, January 25, 2013


Aren't those of us who have a local Quilt Shop nearby fortunate? I consider myself doubly fortunate, because I work there. Yesterday was National 'support your local Quilt Shop' day so I made sure I did my part.

Katja's shoppe is plug full of inspiration. There is a great selection of fabrics, books, and notions. Customers usually find something that follows them home : )

Want a peek?

An old store cupboard holds piles of pre cuts

Bright funky fabrics have found their way into kits

An entire wall of beautiful flannels

Shelves and shelves of modern fabrics to go with all those pre cuts. It's a wonder I take home a pay check.

Back in 2008, the shoppe was featured in the Fall issue of Quilt Sampler magazine. If you have collected those, you could take another look.

That's it for today. I hope you enjoyed a little peek into our local shop, and come visit if you are ever in Kamloops!


  1. Wow, your LQS is amazing. Our new one is very small....just starting up. I did go there yesterday, because I needed a couple blenders...thankfully I found something. I find that in our area, they don't carry many modern prints. I have to drive about 1 hour to a shop that does...and in that instance, it's easier to buy online...because they don't always have what you want either.

    Thanks for sharing your pictures with us.

  2. Now that is my idea of heaven Carla :) I certainly wouldn't have any take-home pay if I worked there. I can only admire your restraint :)

  3. It's a wonder you ever go home as well. If it was my work, I would sleep there on a bed of fabric ;-)

  4. Dear Carla, I would like to swap my sunshine to your work ( I don't mention my work)! Looks like a dream - so beautiful scenes with lovely colours and fabrics! You are lucky ... at the end of the month is there any salary left?
    Thank you for your photos - we don't have any quilt or proper fabric shop here. x Teje

  5. That looks like a great shop! I could never work in one if I ever hoped to leave with a paycheck. :-)

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks Carla for the wonderful post! It's certainly been a pleasure having you work for me for the past 10 years, 8 months and 3 days. It wouldn't be the same without you! <3

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Must be fun to work in a quilt shop! If I did, my paycheck would hurt too!

  9. Looks like you have a great "office"!

  10. it looks like a lovely quilt shop, wish I had the chance to visit.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  11. Hi Carla,
    your quiltshop looks so great, lucky you to work there ☺
    I work in a quiltshop too, lucky me too ☺
    Liebe Grüße

  12. A fabulous quilt shoppe with the most inspiring women who work there. Keep up the great work.

    Dawn H.

  13. I helped out at my LQS one month when they were moving to a different space. They paid me in fabric and I was VERY happy.
    I bet you enjoy working there, it looks wonderful!

  14. I will TOTALLY stop by your shop if I'm in Kamloops. I might even go so far as to suggest to hubby we take a family vacation in the area! :). It looks like a fantastic shop.

  15. What a beautiful shop and it looks like there is lots of neat fabric, if I worked there I would never have a paycheck.
