Saturday, August 31, 2013


My blocks are coming together quickly for the Modern Maples quilt. I think it's going to end up being really big, but that's ok  : )

the greens:



and the browns:

I think the Christmas print in the middle block made for a nice leaf

After laying out the blocks I have so far, I've decided to add a few smaller leaves as well. That way, I can have better luck in achieving the look I want.

This block is for Lisa for the Scrappy? Sew bee it group. She asked for any kind of log cabin block. Seeing all these scraps were already on my table, I used them and ended up with this. I like it!

This is the last block I need to make for our group. We've been trading blocks for 16 months I think. That leaves me with four different swaps I'm still part of. They should keep me busy this coming year : )

That's it for this week. Enjoy your Labour Day week-end.


  1. The Modern Maple is going to be very nice. I love the background fabric. I love your drawing and can't wit to see it finished.
    That block is comforting. A whole quilt of those log cabins would be fantastic. Great color choices. (as always)

  2. Love!!! these leaves. I'm starting to see leaves in my future.....I may not be able to stop myself!

  3. You certainly aren't wasting any time. Looks good so far!

  4. Oh my... those maple blocks are stunning! Keep them coming...

  5. The maples are going to be lovely. I forget...does your DIL know about the quilt?

  6. The maple leaves are gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see it finished!

  7. oh I love your leaf blocks - this is going to be so cool!!

  8. Love the colors in your leaves and the log cabin block, too! You really are busy!!

  9. Great leaves Carla! Luckily they are not turned to that many colors yet here. The log cabin block is so sweet and soft.

  10. Your modern maple is going to be just stunning! Those leaves are so, so gorgeous...

  11. I think you have chosen perfect autumnal tones with your fabrics - the quilt is going to look so warm - beautiful.

  12. I love the idea of adding smaller leaves to your pretty pile of Maples! And it's hard to beat a log cabin block!

  13. Am loving those maple leaves, Carla and your points look perfect. Very nice indeed :)

  14. I like how you've combined the text fabric in your blocks. I always have a hard time figuring out where to use text. I like yours a lot!

  15. Fun to see all those maple leaves for your maple leaf quilt. And I do like that Christmas fabric! The log cabin block is lovely--so calming.

  16. I love it all, but the log cabin is wonderful! So soft and sweet.

  17. Hi Carla! Your leaves are wonderful! What a great block! And I love the log cabin block! Even I use lots of bright colours I really love those soft light colours (unfortunately I don't have them in my stash).
    Happy sewing September! x Teje

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Wowee.....your maple leaves are progressing wonderfully since your last post!! I must say I love your log cabin block, it evokes a sense of calm and tranquility. It must be fun to sew blocks for other quilters; and vice versa!!

  20. wow!! Apparently a little cheering really sends you speeding!! You whipped up those blocks in no time flat!! looking awesome!! I really love the log cabin block too. you are so good with color!

  21. Oh your WQB are coming along. I love that pattern. Cant wait to see the finished result. Are you going to quilt it or does your favorite quilter get the privilege?

  22. the leaves are gorgeous colors! i love quilts that how big they are going to be!

  23. Such lovely snapshots! The log cabin block is so beautiful!!!

  24. I love your log cabin block. It's so calm and beautiful!

  25. Oh my word, your work is incredible! Those gorgeous leaves...autumn really is around the corner, isn't it?

  26. Your leaves look great and I love your block for Lisa :)
