Saturday, September 7, 2013


So, this is what I've been up to since finishing the Modern Maples top. When I saw these little thread catchers, I downloaded the tutorial a.s.a.p and made three.  (the Fall 2013 issue of Quilts and More has the web address)

Aren't they cute? I can think of so many uses for them. I'm playing around with different sizes because they would make such great gifts stuffed full of a little something

September blocks for Heal@do.Good stitches. I made the St Louis 16 patch.

and this one is for Toni in the 'Bee Purposeful' group

Still one more of these to make.
Thanks so much for all your comments on the previous post.
Have a lovely week-end.


  1. Your little bags are adorable. I love the little one at Katja's stuffed with halloween candy!

  2. Your little bags turned out so lovely! Aren’t they fab to make? They make great gifts for the Holiday Season with treats in it!

  3. Oh, what sweet little thread catchers.

  4. I have been planning to make a thread catcher for myself but I do like the idea of making them as cute little treat bags too.

  5. The thread catchers are adorable! You're right, so many uses besides thread. It always feels good for some quick finishes - love the blocks

  6. These are really cute!!! I will have to make one or two, I can see that already :*) LOVED your Maples quilt - amazing design and exactly what you had envisioned. Isn't it great to see your vision work out so well?

  7. I want to be a bag lady! Those are so cute.

  8. Love the thread catchers! Great blocks too!

  9. Your thread catchers are so cute. I got one for a gift and have been using it all the time since I've got a embroidery project deadline. It works great.

  10. Love the catchers of thread. hahaha Chocolate catchers maybe eh!

  11. What great thread catchers-I really need to make myself some

  12. Those thread catchers are delightful! Being surrounded by happy handmade things is a blessing.

    And your blocks are wonderful too. Such talent you have!

  13. Your little baskets are so sweet. I rarely make any little projects but this one looks so cute I just might have to try one or two.

  14. I just love the little baskets. I have a couple of thread catchers--one by my sewing machine, one on the cutting table and one on my ironing board--but I have never made one myself.

  15. You've had a productive time. The thread catches are beautiful, and as you say, could have many other uses too.......

  16. Oooh I like these a lot. Must make one or two. Your maple quilt turned out just beautiful. It's always nice to alternate a smaller project after finishing a big one. Happy sewing to you.

  17. Cute, cute, cute little buckets! And I'm glad I saw your September blocks for Heal....I hadn't even realized we're in a new month!

  18. The little bags are so sweet, so many things that thy could be used for...birthday gifts.....candy's at Katja's...

  19. all lovely, but especially the thread catches, four different fabrics on something so small, great attention to detail!

  20. Cute little bags.
    I like the red and white blocks too
