Sunday, November 24, 2013


How I wish we were experiencing that, but winter has hit with -18 this week. When I took these photos it was -7.  This line of fabric has been around for a while but I finally got my hands on it.  I envisioned something simple and quick.  I just love the colours--so soothing.

My favourite is the little teepees 

I quilted it with a square stipple. For the most part I'm happy with it.  Not perfect by any means but finished is better than perfect right?

backing is Little Apples by Aneela Hoey and the binding is 5 different grey jellyroll strips from my stash trimmed down to 2 1/8".  It just worked!


quilt stats:
pattern- made up as I went along
fabrics- Indian Summer and 1 piece of Road 15
background is Moda off white
40 x 58
pieced and quilted by me

If you haven't entered my give-away yet there's still time. You have until bed time on the 26th  : )


  1. That looks great. Like the pic of the snow. But thank goodness rarely do we ever get that stuff where I live in South Carolina, USA.

  2. This is beautiful! Love your quilting.

  3. Those colors are gorgeous! What a nice finish and the quilting is perfect with it.

  4. I love this fabric line and this design works beautifully!

  5. It's a record cold here in Kansas City as well...but not below zero like you! Winter Shminter!! What a darling quilt. I've never tried that square stipple but want to. I'd also like to try cutting my binding down 1/8 inch less than my standard 2 1/4...I'll do that next time. Is your quilt for anyone special?

  6. Beautiful as always! I was in Katja's on Friday and was over the moon with my purchases...I'll have some show and tell soon.

  7. It looks beautiful. Your square stipple is perfect for the quilt. Look how far your machine quilting has come in a very short time! You go girl!!!!!!!

  8. Gorgeous! I love the colours, fabric and pattern. Clever binding! And imperfect IS perfect.

    And there's a giveaway! Yay! Must go check it out.

  9. Congrats on your finish! The square quilting really suits the pattern.

    I can't believe it's -18 there! That is crazy cold! We had our a/c on this week....

  10. it was cold here to the other day, -30. Great quilt, and your quilting, it goes perfect with your pattern for your blocks!!

  11. Beautiful Carla! And fits so well with your frozen colours. I like that simple pattern and those fabrics are beautiful! Between lots of colours it's so nice to look calming colours like these. x Teje

  12. I really like this one. The colors and fabric are all "likes" and the quilting...I've been wanting to try. I'm dreaming of spring. Good job taking pictures in the freezing weather.

  13. Love the simplicity of the design! And the square stipple is perfectly perfect! Great quilt Carla!

  14. -18: now that is chilly. I love the fabrics and the colours go so well with the snow!

  15. I love that line of fabric too Carla! Cute quilt.

  16. this quilt is so lovely, so soothing and the design makes the fabric shine.

  17. Ooo it is lovely!m yucky cold weather though!

  18. Love the quilt Carla, and the fabric looks great....

  19. I LOVE this! What a wonderful idea for using up a fabric line! I love the border fabric. I may have to make this one! Tutorial please? ;-)

  20. Brrrrr Carla!!! What a trooper you are to go out and take pictures!!! Such a cute quilt; you did a great job making it up as you went and I love the square quilting. Reminds me of a forest path.

  21. How gorgeous is your photo shoot of the quilt in the snow!! 'Tis the perfect backdrop!! I love the fabrics in this you have the knack of making quilts with the most serendipitous fabrics. Your quilting looks great....'satisfactionism' is better than perfectionism any day!!

  22. Perfect fabrics for a winter quilt. We have finally had three days of summer weather in a row!

    I love the backing too! Lovely work.

  23. Lovely quilt Carla and a perfect fabric choice for the season. I envy your quilting ability. -18! Good heavens you'll need all your quilts at once to stay warm. Philippa xx

  24. Oh Carla, what's not to love about this beauty? Its gorgeous - love the fabric, the colours are so peaceful and the photos against the backdrop of the snow .... sigh ... :)

  25. Lovely quilt!! Also, the quilting is perfect for that pattern! I just learned how to do that and it's so fun :o)

  26. A great quilt to be sure! I love the fabric. A one quilting too. Perfection is highly over rated!

  27. Fabulous quilt and quilting.Love your fabrics combo,just beautiful.Have a fun week of Thanksgiving!!

  28. Love your quilt. Enjoy reading your blog.

  29. Lovely quilt, sometimes things just work and this is definitely one of those times :)

  30. Yikes! -18! I was chilly at +20F last week and this week we are barely 30s and waiting on a "big" storm. Luckily we have so many quilts to keep us warm :)

  31. I really like this fabric line Carla, and it looks great with your pattern, especially on the snowy background.
    Love the quilting!
