Thursday, July 24, 2014


While shoveling out my sewing room, I found a couple of blocks for the 100 Modern blocks quilt I started way back when. It seemed like a good time to get re-acquainted with them so I made a few more

These are fun blocks to make so I don't know how I ever got sidetracked. Oh wait! Maybe it's all the new stuff??

How's your weather?  We had some rain. A lot in a very short time...........

Scary stuff!

If you haven't yet entered my give-away from the previous post, there's still a bit of time  : )
Hope you are staying dry


  1. These blocks are pretty! I have been sorely tempted to buy that book, and your post isn't helping :)
    We had a wee bit of rain (rare for these parts in July), but that's a monsoon! Looks like quilting weather to me.

  2. Favorite word of your post: shoveling, as in "shoveling out the sewing room." That task awaits me the day I return from our trip. Yeah, I say that every trip, but with a visual of a spade, I might be able to complete it. Love your blocks! It's always fun to revisit an earlier project, isn't it?

    Yikes! That rain IS scary. Stay dry and out of harm.


  3. Amazing blocks!
    Wow! That was pretty much rain! Hope nobody got hurt and that the car on the foto isn't yours.

    Greetings, Rike

  4. Good progress! All that rain looks just like NZ in winter.

  5. The blocks look great, I really like the pink one! I'd love some rain here but maybe not that much!

  6. My goodness, hope you are keeping dry! Total heatwave in the UK, hasn't been like this for years!

  7. Do you want to come shovel out my quilt room? Lol. the blocks are looking good

  8. Lately, the heavens are always opening up down here....but the flip side is that everything is green as, as far as the eye can see. I love tidy sewing rooms....'tis a pity that I don't experience that euphoric state very often!! Lovely blocks Carla. Hope you don't need to wear your gum boots today!!

  9. Great blocks!! Can you send some rain our way????

  10. Great blocks!! Can you send some rain our way????

  11. Love the nail polish!
    Hope you are safe and dry.

  12. Great blocks - I especially like the last blue one. It's going to be fun to watch what you do with all your blocks when you finish them.

  13. I love the blocks, but yes it must take dedications to make them all! We had not as much rain as we did in fact the he newly laid grass is looking a bit yellow. But I am thankful that baby MiH thinks that spraying water is the best activity ever, because we do a lot of it! Hope you are keeping safe.

  14. Your blocks look far better than the ones in the book.
    WOW! Some rain, as you say scary stuff, x

  15. Oh, those blocks are very pretty! Are they from a Tula Pink book or where? I love a good quilt book!

  16. Oh! We could do with some of that rain! We haven't had any meaningful rain in months and months, and my poor garden is so dry. Love your little blocks. They are very pretty

  17. I heard about the rain and flooding in your area. I hope that your home didn't suffer any damage. Your blocks look great. Can't wait to see when they're all done and put together.

  18. The blocks look great! That’s some serious rain!!

    I’m recovering from a heat wave we had. Today the rain is pooring and the temperatures will drop.

  19. We had flooding here Spring a year ago. No fun. There was only one way out of our neighborhood.

  20. Geez. I thought we were having a lot of rain. I was wrong. THAT is a lot of rain. I hope all is well.
    I love the pink chevron fabric; it really works well in that block.

  21. Love those blocks! We have had a lot of heavy rain too, causing flash flooding

  22. I have the book and want to make all those blocks as well. Haven't chosen any fabric yet, so I'm using that as my excuse for not starting. Please explain all that water. We never have any moisture falling from the sky....
