Monday, July 7, 2014


Earlier in the year, I couldn't get my act together to even make a list for Quarter 1 of the 2014 Finish Along. THIS time however was different.  I compiled a list of 9 projects that I really wanted to get finished.  I'm happy to say that I completed 6 on my list : )  My original list is here 

So here's the line-up of finishes in order

#1 socks

#2 economy block quilt

#3 Fly Away Home

#4 and #5 Beach House Quilts

#6 Churn Dash Quilt

Even though I had some finishes, I still have a pile of unfinished projects.  Funny how that works.
I am compiling my list for Quarter 3
Happy Monday  : )


  1. Hi Carla! I love all these quilts! And your photos are wonderful! Numbers 1,2 and 4 are on my 'to do' list. I hope you don't have cold enough to need those lovely socks! x Teje

  2. Fabulous finishes. Love the socks. Your churn dash quilt is probably one of my favorite set of Heal blocks I've made. Can you post pics of the beach house quilts in their home? (I missed it if you already did.)

  3. A very satisfying line-up of finishes here. The list never goes away. If it did, we wouldn't be happy about it.
    I like all these socks I'm seeing too!

  4. Gorgeous finishes!! I'm compiling my list too :)

  5. Congrats on your beautiful finishes, Carla! You had a really productive quarter - that's a lot of quilting in a short amount of time. Woohoo!

  6. Job well done! Yes i know what that is like sometimes one step forward two steps back. But it is all so much fun!!! We are all safe and sound after the storm. Still some in NS with out power though.

  7. I'm so excited for you! 6 out of 9 is an awesome accomplishment! They're all great projects too Carla.

  8. Very impressive Carla, job well done. Love all of the quilts, and the photography is stunning.

  9. You take such beautiful pictures of your projects Carla!!!

  10. Great finishes! I can't stop looking at those beach house quilts!

  11. You have been very productive! Great quilts.

  12. Oh well done! They are all such wonderful finishes. I did okay in the first quarter, but finished nothing in the second!!

  13. All really lovely quilt finishes too, congratulations!

  14. Congrats on some wonderful finishes! Puts me to shame - wonderful pics!

  15. Congrats the finishes. Oh Carla I love the economy block quilt, actually I love them all. Gold Star for a great achievement.

  16. I'm supposing you have li'l elves over there helping you to stitch!! I many gorgeous finishes!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Love your finishes, especially the socks. Can you name the yarn and share the pattern details please. They look so comfy I would like to make them too.

  19. You did so well, and such beautiful finished! I only got one done...

  20. I think the naughty WIPs breed when we're not looking! Gorgeous finishes to celebrate here though :-)

  21. SUE B I can't reply to your comment so am trying here. It's been a long time, but I think the yarn I used was a Regia variegated sock yarn and the pattern is the Basic Sock pattern by Churchmouse Yarns : )
    Hope you see this

  22. Lots of lovely's and some great photography to boot!

  23. That's a productive quarter!
    I know I will always have unfinished projects no matter how many I finish, and I am reconciled with that idea.

  24. wow what a great quarter you had! fab!

  25. It's been a while since I visited you, but just wanted to let you know that I just love the way you choose to photograph your finished quilts. How do you do it?

    I also enjoy seeing your colour combinations in your blocks; so clean, so lively.
