Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I found a blog.  A really adorable blog.  I wish I had discovered it sooner, because I feel like I have missed so many cute things! Lucky for me, I can look back at older posts to my hearts content.

At first, I wanted to keep Erin all to myself : )  but then I thought, why not share her with all of you?
I absolutely love the quilts in her header, and she does a lot of quilts with hexagons. She is a Christian and a self confessed quilt addict. A woman after my own heart. Some of her quilts are photographed outside   on a lovely farm setting.  Pure eye candy. You will have to scroll down a bit to see the little birdie quilts, and all the other lovely things.

So grab a cuppa, and head on over to Erin's blog.  Enjoy! Oh, and why not leave her a comment and say Hi!


  1. I went there and you're so right! She makes adorable quilts! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you so much for saying such sweet things :) I'm glad you found my blog and that I found yours.
