Wednesday, May 2, 2012


At the last Moda meeting, someone asked me "what are you going to do with all the quilts you made for the moda club" ?  Better yet I thought "where ARE all those quilts I made for moda club" ?

I came home and starting looking in this room and that room, and found these. There are 21 here.

Here is a closer look at some of them

Some of these are still just tops, but I have plans for the summer .  I counted seven more still at the shoppe, I have given a few away, donated a few, and sold one.  Not bad for a year and a half.

I have some plans for the fall, and new fabric is arriving at a steady pace so stay tuned : )

My Mom-in-law is here to meet the new baby, so we will have a houseful tonight.  
Happy stitching.

linking up with Lynne at Fresh Sewing Day


  1. Still love that Origins one! You can just send that one to me ;)

  2. Awesome Carla. Nothing like seeing all of the work you have done in one place. That is what is gratifying about quilting, it has a tangible result. Away of blessing someone. It is also FUN!

  3. Carla, you are incredible!!! What a wonderful variety and inspiration to the ladies who attend your Moda Club.

  4. Wow! 21 quilts! All look great, too! Congrats on the new grand baby. Sorry I didn't say that sooner. I've spent the day getting caught up on blog post reading as I was 11-12 days behind. Almost caught up.

  5. wow carla! that is amazing! great work!

  6. Now who is the over achiever? Way to go.

  7. Love all the quilts!! I love the Granny Square top!! Have fun tonight!! Happy stitching to you, too!! xo Heather

  8. wow wow look at all those quilts.. i have given you the Liebster award for bloggers, congrats and pay it forward

  9. look at all those quilts! Wow! They all look fabulous!

  10. Carla,
    I know just how much stress and angst went into the planning and sewing of some of those quilts and they are truly an amazing achievement.
    But, more than the quilts, you have developed a loyal following! And that is because of YOU and what YOU bring to Moda club! You are amazing Carla!
    I'm glad you took that little 'part time' job 12 years ago.

  11. Carla, I agree with Katja,inasmuch as your work is great, it is what you project into the world which influences other people and that includes me!
    Hopefully, you'll be back in the Fall with some more Moda ideas.

  12. wow - what awesome shots of all the quilts! Amazing!

  13. just incredible! What a lovely collection!

  14. Wow!! That's a great bunch of quilts!! Love it!!
