Saturday, July 6, 2013


This time around I did much better in my goal to finish the things on my list. The original post is here .
I had hoped that by listing more I would finish more. I guess it worked! The latest one to get finished is Supernova. I got the binding on, washed it, and grabbed my daughter for a photo shoot.

 I quilted it with diagonal lines about 1" apart. I used the quilting guide on my walking foot for some of it, but switched to drawing lines after a while because it was too bulky to stuff through my machine.
Drawing lines allowed me to switch directions of the quilt.

excuse the lint

The texture of this is so nice. I don't usually wash my quilts first, but I needed to get rid of the pen lines.

Looking back I realized this is the third finish for this quarter.

Hurray for three finishes this time  : )
Linking up my finishes with Leanne at She Can Quilt.

quilt stats :
57 x 57
Machine pieced and quilted by me
cost of photo shoot- one banana split


  1. This is a beauty! Worth the banana split - the photos are awesome!

  2. Love it and i love the photo of the quilt with feet!!!! The colours are just lovely!

  3. I love it! This is one of my favorite patterns - one I hope to make someday. Your color choices are absolutely perfect! And I love the text fabric on the back :*)

  4. Oh, fantastic finish! This quilt is super gorgeous and your quilting suits it perfectly. Lovely!

  5. Hi Carla! This is fantastic! I love the pattern (you have used it before and that was also so beautiful)! Wonderful, powerful colours! Have a lovely weekend! x Teje

  6. Fantastic Carla! I think I need to take my quilts on field trips more often. You take the most amazing photos of your projects (or maybe that's your own property?)

  7. This is gorgeous! I love the colors!

  8. gorgeous quilt and gorgeous scenery! did i hear something about a banana split? hehe!

  9. That is such a lovely quilt Carla. I think it is one of my favorites that you have done so far but you do such beautiful work!

  10. Fabulous version of Supernova, congrats on the finish.

  11. This is just downright delightful! Perfect quilting and resulting crinkles! What a great finish!

  12. Beautiful quilt! I have not completed much or posted much lately. I am inspired now and ready to go sew for a while. Have a great weekend.

  13. Brilliant finish! Oh you have me craving a banana split!

  14. Great quilt seen in great photos! You got your money's worth from that banana split!

  15. 'Tis beautiful....both your colourful quilt and the li'l corner of the world in which you live!!

  16. LOVE! Well worth the banana split...hope you had one deserve it!

  17. LOVE! Well worth the banana split...hope you had one deserve it!

  18. It is amazing! I love the red square at the top with the green background - could I copy you and make a cushion?

  19. Pretty quilt and photos!! I think the pattern you chose was perfect for the fabric!

  20. Oh that's beautiful!! I love the background behind the fence. Pretty!

  21. Carli works way to cheap! LOL. Looks great Carla!

  22. So gorgeous! I love this pattern!

  23. Wow Carla! Love the colors and the quilting.

  24. Carla,

    At your show-and-tell (last October), someone showed a quilt with cats. The picture has surfaced on Pinterest and one of my friends has fallen in love with it. I have spent many hours online trying to find the pattern but have had no success. Would it be possible for you to ask the lady who made it for the title of the pattern ? I know this is a lot to ask, but I would love to find it and get it for my friend for her birthday....

  25. Love this block and the colors you have picked are gorgeous. Perfect quilt.

  26. That quilt is beautiful! Thanks for sharing and inspiring us!

  27. Beautiful!! Such bright colours - perfect summer quilt!

  28. Oh, what a beauty! I've loved the colors since you posted it a while back and am so happy to see the completed quilt!

  29. Your Supernova is beautiful! You are inspiring me to get mine out and complete it. It's somewhere in a pile...

  30. Love, love, LOVE this, Carla! You chose such great colors! I made Supernova too. It's hanging on our guest room wall. Hope you find the perfect spot to show-off yours.
