Thursday, January 16, 2014


Today's post is a little of this and that. We were away for a few days so I haven't sewn much but I have shopped  : )

While in Victoria, I came upon the most amazing wool shop. The building alone was enough to start me drooling. It's been there forever. Bricks, inside and out. Sorry about the glare. I think their windows are cleaner than mine........

Once inside, I was in awe.  Samples were everywhere and the patterns were within arms reach. I bought several. Also a couple of books came home with me.

This book is by two women who live on Vancouver Island. I bought their first book and it is lovely too. The buttons? Handmade by a fellow in Nanaimo. I wish I had these before Christmas for the hats I knit. The bottom one is Burl, and the top is Yellow Cedar.

I'm hoping if I knit that wee sweater on the front of this book, I'll get a grandson to fill it    : )

I'm still having fun with these economy blocks.  I'm up to 56 blocks now. Still, there are several scrap baskets to go through to find more little prints.

I picked up these to go in it. I couldn't help myself!

Also, this little pile was sitting on a cutting table in a shop. I couldn't leave it there could I ?

Thanks to everyone who entered the give-away. There were several 'no-reply' commenters. If you commented through Google+ I can't reply for some reason. Anyway, the winner of the fat quarters and booklet is...................

Karen McIsaac

Congratulations Karen. I have sent you an e-mail .

linking up with Cindy


  1. I have squished that Cascade yarn in our yarn shop - it's wonderful! With all your kids you better get a big jump on knitting baby clothes :)
    I'm loving how your quilt is turning out! All those blocks look great together. I'm stalled on mine. Since I made big 12 inch blocks , I'm thinking of adding sashing. They just look too buy next to each other. Yours looks fab!
    p.s. how did I miss your giveaway? waaaa!

  2. your little block is so cute! it is coming along nicely...those fabrics are yummy and drool worthy...

    congrats to the winner...enjoy your win!

  3. Beautiful buttons!!! I love your economy blocks!

  4. I really like your economy block colors. Haven't jumped into this one yet myself. I'm still doing the scrappy trip from last year. A little behind.

  5. Love the fabric purchases! Very cute cars- is that a hearse? Fun!

  6. Awe thanks Carla...great way to cheer up my sad heart with a win...Hope you visit went well and I love the brick store...Haven't been to the island for years but have a wedding near by this spring...might have to make a trip of it.

  7. You have made so many wonderful blocks. I just don't have enough cute fabrics to fussy cute so I'm enjoying everyone elses.

  8. You made it home with fun stuff. I want to shop....
    Your quilt is coming along very nicely.

  9. Fun shopping trip. The minute I saw those buttons I knew you found the ones you had wished for at Christmas!

  10. Hi Carla! I can imagine how much you enjoyed that shop! I happy you picked that beautiful fabric bundle! Great to see also your NEW knitting books. Hope to see also your knitting projects. x teje

  11. Carla, I'll say a little prayer for you to get a grandson too. Hugs Debbie

  12. Totally envious of your paw print economy block! Made me smile.

  13. How exciting to discover a new yarn shop, and looks like you picked up some lovely things. Am loving your economy blocks, they look fabulous all together.

  14. Those little blocks look fantastic together...but just as I thought - you had to buy more fabric to go in it! Why is it even with overflowing scrap boxes we never have enough fabric? I love the texture of the shawl on the book's front cover. I can't wait to see what you make from it. Philippa xx

  15. Looks like a gem of a shop in Victoria. Love that they have local wares.

  16. Great fabric and blocks!!! Very cheery!

  17. Great post! I think these random Thurs are my favorites, though i always love your blogs! I am going down right now to try a couple of those economy blocks. It is a new thing i am doing. If I see a block i like, i make it. (Linda's SBQA has helped with the concept). I always thought I had to make a whole quilt in order to try a block. Go figure! TTFN!

  18. PS If you have no posted a link to this blog on FB could you. I want to send to Janine about the knitting books!

  19. I love the look of that first pattern book!

  20. I've been in that shop once and you're right, it is beautiful.

    Love the stack of fabric. Yum!

  21. Looks like you had lots of fun. It's funny how fabric just happens to climb into your shopping bag?

  22. Can't wait to see those bicycles you picked up today, in an economy block!

  23. Glad you had a fun little get away! Retail therapy is awesome! Loving your Economy Blocks super scrappy and delicious!

  24. What a great shop!! How fun to browse in there.

    The economy blocks look fabulous.

  25. u make me want to knit! xo also please tell me who makes the eyeglass fabric..i need some real bad xo

  26. Looks like a nice place to shop for patterns and yarn. So glad I'm not into knitting! Ha. Your Economy Blocks are coming together so quickly, and beautifully. Good effort.

  27. Excuse me while I squeal over your economy blocks. INCREDIBLE! And that old-school television fabric. Oh my! <3

    That shop would have beckoned me in as well, regardless of whether or not it had yarn in it. Must have been hard to leave!

    Oh, and those buttons are gorgeous, as is the one in your newer post.

  28. Love those economy, square-in-a-square blocks. It really is a fun way to highlight some fussy cut squares and let them shine (you've given me a glimpse of new possibilities!). Lovely.


  29. congrats to Karen!
    those conversations prints are so cute.

  30. I would buy that knitting book just based on the cover! So cute. All your fussy cutting is really paying off--such cute blocks.
