Thursday, April 2, 2015


Bangles is the name of a quilt in Sarah Fielke's book 'Hand Quilted With Love'.  I saw some pictures of it on Instagram and fell hard for it of course, because it's Hexies!  I knew I had the book, so I flipped through it and realized that I could make it using the english paper piecing method rather than sew Y seams.  I don't do Y seams.  The next day, Nicole and I each started our own version of it. I just happened to have a pack of 3" hexies so I went with that size.

When my hubby saw me drawing lines on the hexies for cutting, he offered to draw me up a template on the computer             : )
Much faster

They work up fairly quickly and it's fun to feature a big print in the middle.  I'm using mostly grey/black/white to surround the feature

the blocks are about 10 1/2" tip to tip

Like any new hexie project, it's hard to put this down, because they are just so fun!   I am hoping to show you a different little finish on my next post.  I'm quilting it now  : )

May you have:
The gladness of Easter which is hope
The promise of Easter which is Peace
The spirit of Easter which is Love.


  1. Oooh....I have just died and gone to heaven!! Have the most wonderful Easter, lovely lady!

  2. Excellent interpretation! Wish I could do it too. Happy Easter.

  3. So nice, Carla. All of it! Happy Easter!

  4. These are so amazing Carla!!! Oh I wish I could just drop thievery and play with some of my own for a while! But alas it is not to be. I will just have to drool all over yours :) Love your Easter closing - beautiful! Happy Easter to you too sweet friend!!!

  5. What a great looking project, Carla. Thank you for the Easter promise. Blessings.

  6. Wonderful hexies Carla. Don't they look lovely in a little pile? And what a sweetie your hubby is to draw up your templates.

  7. Big hexies! Now why didn't I think of that? Have a great weekend Carla!

  8. Really beautiful. Your EPP skills always amaze me.

  9. I love them! There just isn't enough hours in the day to do all the wonderful projects I see on IG!

  10. Six kids!!?! Work at Katja's!!?! You go girl!!

  11. Hi Carla! These are Super cute! I miss hand piecing and would love to make some of these. Have a lovely weekend! x Teje

  12. Oh I love your new hexagon blocks! They are so pretty and the light fabrics make the prints you used in the centre shine! And I see a lovely hexagon project in the background of the last picture!

  13. Hexie Bug! Love, love this! I can see why you couldn't put them down! Can't wait to see your finished quilt!

  14. Those turned out beautifully. I love the larger print centers.

  15. OMG! Those are just awesome and beautiful!! They are big, so it would not take a gazillion to make a quilt, bonus!! Can't wait to see more!

  16. I am just in love with that fussy-cut bumble bee! Have a happy and blessed Easter.

  17. Love them all. Happy Easter to The Fawcett

  18. Gorgeous!! So nice of your husband to make the hexie template for you. Happy Easter :)


  19. Oh this looks like it's going to be wonderful Carla, so no surprise there! x

  20. The hexies are so cute. Looking forward to the quilt. Happy Easter.

  21. Great way to adapt the pattern. they look great showing off a feature fabric in each one.
    Happy Easter.

  22. So, you're EPPing a whole background hexie, and then appliquéing another hexie on top? Looks like a lot of work! Thank you for the Easter wishes. Yes, He is my Lord, and He is risen!

  23. They are beautiful and what a fabulous idea. I don't like Y seams but I love EPP.

  24. Happy Easter to you, too. I love these little blocks, from the first time I saw them in her book, to the rendition you have now! Yes, they are fun to make and see stack up!


  25. I'm swooning over these!! I love hexies... and I love watching what you do with them! I don't do Y seams either... which means one day I will find myself paper-piecing. But not yet. ;-)

    I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  26. It has been a while since I have been for a visit. As always you are working on some fabulous quilts. LOVE everything I see.
