Monday, April 6, 2015


Every once in a while a fun little quilt comes along and I just have to stop, drop, and quilt!  This was one of those times.  The pattern is called Charm Box and is by the Fat Quarter Shop.  Just 2 charm packs and some background is all you need to whip up this quilt.  I used charm packs by Zen Chic for Moda called 'Reel Time'.

While I was piecing this, I was thinking about how I might quilt it and I thought of mimicking the circles on one of the prints. Then I remembered my daughter had this movie reel on the wall of her bedroom.  Bingo!

I traced around the circle with a frixion pen and got to work

How fun is that!  Super easy to quilt too using my walking foot

I  LOVE  it !

These fabrics are coming soon to Katja's Quilt Shoppe.  I think I may be making another one. What a perfect size quilt for a baby gift.

roll the credits.......

36 1/2" x 45 1'2"
fabrics are Reel Time by Zen Chic
pieced and quilted by me

linking up with
Quilt Story
Let's Bee Social
Finish It Up Friday


  1. This is fabulous, great choice of fabrics

  2. Fun post Carla!!! Thanks for sharing the quilt pattern link and a preview of the new fabric. Love that you used the film roll as a guide for marking the quilting lines. My son has one of those too....must remember that for future reference ;-))

  3. Stunning! Quilting is gorgeous.

  4. Adorable quilt and how clever of you to use the film reel as a quilting pattern.

  5. Coolest quilting ever! I love seeing where your inspiration is drawn from.

  6. I love everything about this quilt! It is so fresh looking!

  7. Excellent work - love the last photo :)

  8. Aw Carla, you are so clever! How inspired! You are one talented lady!

  9. Carla!! I love this!! A couple of my friends made this pattern... but the film reel quilting paired with the fabric is PERFECTION.

    Gorgeous finish!

  10. Carla!! I love this!! A couple of my friends made this pattern... but the film reel quilting paired with the fabric is PERFECTION.

    Gorgeous finish!

  11. It lools awesome! I'm not a charm pack lover butI do have some squares leftover from yardage that I'm now itching to dig out. ..

  12. Gorgeous Carla and the movie reel quilting was a stroke of genius! I have to ask though: are you ever worried about using frixon pen on your quilt tops in case over time the ink reappears?

  13. I love your choice of fabrics and you did such a nice job on that great pattern.

  14. This is a great version of the Charm box pattern, Carla. The fabric has me drooling as well.

  15. Mmmm.....there's that word "baby" again!! ;)) Gorgeous quilt, such fun fabrics and quilting. Love the photo with the movie reel!!

  16. Love this. At first glance, this quilt made me think of tickets and ticket stubs. How perfect to use the movie reel as a stencil to quilt it!

  17. I love it! Great idea for the quilting pattern!

  18. What a great quilt and so easy to do, love the idea of the quilting. Sure does give me plans for those charm packs and other hidden materials! Good job!

  19. Now that is one cool quilt Carla... I enjoy your blog.

  20. Great quilt and your quilting is inspired!

  21. Great choice of fabrics for this quilt. It is a perfect design to showcase a fabric range.
    Love the idea of the circles for the quilting.

  22. LUV me some Zen Chic. Fun design and reel-y great kwilting design!

  23. Ooooh I'm pinning this one. It's quite brilliant from start to finish.
    As usual, I want one :)

  24. Great quilting idea for this cute quilt, Carla.

  25. Fabulous quilt! Zen Chic is always a favourite. So inspired to use the movie reel to quilt it, brilliant!

  26. nice pattern and fabric choices ! and the quilting - such a good idea. your pictures are so good too

  27. Easy looking pattern and great fabric choice. Love the quilting - great idea.

  28. Amazing fabric choices, great photos, and fun quilt all around!

  29. Adorable! What a fun project! Love, love, love the quilting!

  30. I saw the tutorial for this quilt and was tempted to stop everything and make one also. I might have to break my rule for the year and start something new this week. I love the fabric you used and the way you quilted it is just perfect.

  31. I am a librarian who tossed out most of those old reels to discover that people are collecting them like crazy. This is the most innovative use I've seen for them! How ingenious of you. The quilt is so pretty. I love those bright colors!

  32. Fantastic design and finish!
    estgersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  33. It look really nice, and you've had the best idea with the quilting.

  34. Great combination of fabric and quilt design, and I really like the last photo.

  35. Love the color combo. The design is fantastic! And the quilting super clever. Beautiful finish!

  36. Really like that pattern for charm packs. Very creative and looks so easy.

  37. New to quilting, do you have pattern to follow? Very nice! Nancy

  38. **********nancy, I hope you see this. There is a link right in this post to the Charm Box pattern. Just click on 'fat quarter' shop to go there. Please put an e-mail address on your Google + profile page so people can reply to your questions : )
