Friday, January 8, 2016


A new year has such potential doesn't it?  I'm excited for another year of quilting, but am feeling weighed down by all my unfinished projects. So........I have declared this the 'year of the finish'.
I'm hoping to clear my slate so to speak to make way for new things : )

These blocks are from a group I was involved in but it no longer exists.  Three lovely readers were gracious enough to send me blocks to make up the slack, and now I have enough to make a quilt.  My original plan was to do alternate blocks with these and I may still do that but it would end up quite big.  We shall see.  Thank you Jeannine, Paulette, and Nicole for the blocks  : )

This poor quilt.  It has been hanging in the closet for about 4 years.  One of my son's friends has been waiting for it for about a year.  Ooops

and then there's my Millie. I do hope to keep puttering along on this.  I'm nearly a year behind,  but it's not a race. Apparently.

My basket quilt from the ladies in the Mid Century Modern group. I want this finished and on my couch : )

and lastly, this poor old thing.  I love hexies, so why isn't it done???

Perhaps now that I have a decent machine I will be able to quilt these.
I've given myself a stern talking to, and a swift kick, so we will see if I stay motivated or not.

That's probably enough of a list for this first quarter of the finish along.
Linking up with Leanne of She can quilt


  1. oh yeah! Glad you are joining in and good luck sewing thru your list! I'm rooting for the basket quilt! ;-)

  2. Oh, those poor hexies! I love that one!!! Good luck getting some finishes!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ....oops...let's try again, shall we.....

    ......and she ends with a hexie....beautiful!! Again, so many lovely quilts. Your son's friend's quilt, is a masterpiece; so much piecing and of course your whimsical basket of flowers is yearning to take pride of place on your sofa...just lovely. Your Millie is of course a vision splendid and as for that hexie of yours....come on woman....what's wrong with you. =)

  5. Love your hexies! Mine got longarmed because I was terrified of messing it up if I quilted myself.

  6. It's hard to stay focused on outstanding projects when there are so many new shiny things trying to get our attention!! Your EPP is looking gorgeous.

  7. so many beautiful projectsin motion! Its so hard to get it all done, isn't it? I wish there were more hours (or hands) in the day!

  8. You can do it!

    If the first one ends up too big, you could put some of the blocks on the back of the quilt. I love it when the back of the quilt looks just as interesting as the front.

  9. I need a stern talking to, as well. I must not start anything new as I have SO much to finish.

  10. Dan and my family word for the year is 'finish'. When the kids do bath time, clothes go in the hamper, towels get hung up. Finish. When we come indoors, shoes get placed by the door, jackets get hung up. Finish. When we are done doing art, we clean everything up and put it all away. You get it. With 5 kids it's hard to enforce 'finish' but so essential. I just heard my husband enforcing it as I type this. :) Can't wait to see all of your finished projects!

  11. These are all wonderful quilts and deserve to be finished. Good luck with your plans. It is a great idea.

  12. Happy New Year, Carla. I feel like you're always finishing things and I'm constantly in awe of the beautiful makes you get done. I'm sure you'll get these polished off in no time :)

  13. Lovely list of beautiful projects!

    My motto for 2016 is Keep Calm, don’t forget to Enjoy and Just Finish!

    My husband asked me the other day if I still liked the craft of quilt making as I’m often complaining that it’s so much work ;-)

  14. That is such a great goal. You will enjoy seeing each one finished - especially those beautiful baskets.

  15. Some great quilts there Carla waiting for the magic touch 😊

  16. Each of these is just a stunning project, I will be cheering for you to finish them all! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts.

  17. It is funny how even projects we love can be neglected. We put them down because something else is pressing (like housework or dinner) and then get distracted.
    Good luck with the swift kick. I think I need one of those too!

  18. I agree--2016 is the year I want to do lots more finishing. Although I made a list and there sure a lot of things I want to START! My aim for sure is to get MCM quilt tops together and completed--so far I have three of them! How did that happen? I'm glad you are at about the same point as me with the hexie quilt....

  19. I'm with you! (I'm also playing along with the FAL) I need to start FINISHING things. If only to allow more space for NEW fabric. :)

  20. Every time I see your baskets quilt I want to make one too. So full of scrappy goodness. Good luck with your year of finishes. I'm hoping to do the same but not exactly with the tops I already have done. I just want to get the projects going that I have long wanted to do.

  21. Look forward to these finishes--thank heavens the Millefiore isn't a race, otherwise I'd have to stop right now. I'm about to start Rosette #6--see? I'm officially six months behind!! (Well, I'm going to start it next week. . . so make that seven months behind.)
