Thursday, January 14, 2016


This year I have pared down my sewing commitments to two groups.  One of them is a Spelling Bee group that I just couldn't resist.  I love words on fabric and sewing words into quilts sounded even better.  This month Elizabeth is piecing together a poem with our help.  I offered the words 'woman' and 'man'.  The W was a bit of a challenge, but turned out ok I think

After the first few letters it was easy.   Improv piecing is kind of fun : )

Elizabeth wants all shades of pink/red and light backgrounds.  I thought this little print made the perfect background for this word, and it's been in my stash for a long time. Good thing fabric doesn't go bad

Once I was on a roll, I pieced a few letters for a little project I'm working on for myself

It's going to be a fun year seeing what other words I have to piece.

Enjoy your week end!


  1. cool! I love words on quilts too. can't wait to see where these go...

  2. OK, so my 'mow the lawn' guess was wrong. :) How about 'a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle'?
    The fabrics you have chosen for 'knit' are lovely. A knitting bag?

  3. This is something I haven't seen before. Well done, looks fabulous.

  4. You passed the quilting, spelling words test with flying colours!! These are great....too, too clever!!

  5. Your words look great! What a perfect background fabric you found! Have you settled on your 'words' for when you are Queen?

  6. Hi Carla! I love also letter and words and yours are really good! You inspired me to try improvised letters - thank you! x Teje

  7. These blocks do look like fun! I have always wanted to pplay with a word quilt! Guess I better get day!

  8. I was also going to guess a new knitting bag.
    I can't say that free piecing letters is my fav technique but the look is fabulous. I have made a great wall hanging with freepieced lettering that will hang in my bedroom once we finally get the walls repainted.

  9. They look like fun, great job. Can't wait to see the finished project. And your fabric is perfect...
    Always amazing👼

  10. Using up old fabric makes room for new fabric without guilt! Looking good.

  11. These look great and lovely fabrics, too.

  12. I can't wait to see what comes of this word group. I was awfully tempted with the idea but knew it was best to decline for this year. Now I have a word quilt idea so will be watching closely to see how all those letters are done.

  13. Of course, I am in love with this! Your "w" looks waaay better than mine ever did--I am so impressed. I can't wait until the mail carrier brings it to me to play with! Thank you, thank you!

  14. How did I miss commenting on this fun post? I love my words and can hardly wait until they arrive. My poem will be better for it, of course! Love them--thank you so much!!
    :) Elizabeth
