Monday, July 11, 2016


Happy Monday Morning!  We've finally got us some summer here so I am loving it.
I finished the quilt top for my grand daughter and have blocks cut for the second one. She likes pink so I hope I chose enough for the quilt  : )

I started a slouchy hat for the shop.  This is from the Okanagan Knit Co. in Kelowna and is available on revelry.  She bought the yarn for her sample from my shop, so I thought I would make my sample out of the same Malabrigo yarn

This yarn is so beautiful to work with and shows the texture of the knitting really well.

And, because there is always left over yarn, I started a pair of baby socks

I'm just about at the point of a colour change in the yarn, so the next sock will be different.  Such saturated colours in this Zauberball yarn

Toasty toes for some little guy next winter : )

Happy stitching this week!


  1. Luv that burnt orange!!!!! Hot color for hot little toes!!!!!

  2. All lovely makes Carla! I especially love the quilt- the soft and subtle colours are perfect! I am sure it will be loved!

  3. Ooh that hat is cute - so is the quilt. And the baby socks. Yep. All of it.

  4. Such a pretty quilt top and I love those orange socks.

  5. Love your grand daughter's quilt. Such pretty fabrics. Sweet knitting. Love those little socks...gorgeous colours for a wee little guy.

  6. It's all so amazing and I seriously (seeeriously) want that mustard yarn! Heart eyes for days!!!

  7. Where do you find the time? Amazing as always.

  8. I just love all your knitted projects--you are so skilled with all your needles, for sure! Beautiful yarns to make up in your beautiful knitteds. That quilt is very sweet--she should love it!

  9. That Zauberball yarn looks BEAUTIFUL! I must pick up my knitting and figure out where I was up to.
