Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Accountability is good. Real good. I've decided to "finish along" with Leanne over at She Can Quilt. The idea is to list projects I hope to get done over the next few months and stick to it.

So here goes,

My pile of hexagons from last years Hex-a-thon. I want these sewn together.

My Farmers Wife quilt. I don't expect to finish this, but progress would be nice.

These blocks are nearly all framed, then I can cut them up and reassemble!

I've been playing with a few different layouts for the Scrappy Trip quilt.

That's probably enough to try and get done. We'll see how I do in the first quarter.

In my last post, I mentioned I had joined a couple of new on-line swaps. One of them is the Mid Century Modern bee. To kick things off, Carla asked for "juicy fruit" churn dash blocks. She wants red, orange, pink, and white-----together!  This is not a combination I've done before so when I mentioned to my hubby that I was struggling putting these together, his eyebrows nearly flew off his forehead as he pointed to my Scrappy Trip quilt.

Point taken.

Carla's block

I made another block for the Dancing Stars quilt. This one I will only work on when I am feeling especially patient........

and lastly, I sewed the block together for my Scrappy?Sew Bee It partner. 

That's it for today. I am off to the post office to mail my blocks. 
Happy Stitching.


  1. Fabulous projects, especially love the hexies

  2. Your Farmer's Wife in Terrain is awesome! Wow...I can't wait to see your progress on all of these lovely piles. You can do it!

  3. how big is your spider web block, I SO want to do one, might do it as a baby quilt! all your projects look great and I'm going to do some hexies too later, getting templates soon

  4. What an amazing list of UFO's you have on the the go! I love the Farmer's Wife blocks- you MUST finish this! The hexies are beautiful too! I look forward to seeing the progress on these!

  5. You have some gorgeous projects on the go there Carla. Your hexies are just stunning!

  6. Your hexie blocks are so pretty tossed in a pile...they will be gorgeous all put together since those colors are so soothing!

  7. I love all your finished blocks! You have some gorgeous projects listed. I can't wait to see your progress!

  8. I'm putting my vote in for the second layout on the scrappy trip along :)

  9. wow Carla such beautiful blocks,well done.xx

  10. Everything is so fresh and pretty here! Great photography and great quilt blocks, all of them!

  11. What a lovely bunch of projects!!!

  12. I want to see you hexathons sewn together. I love the colors you've chosen. All of your projects are lovely and will be so beautiful.

  13. You have some beautifu project. I would want to work on all of them!

  14. Accountability is seriously over rated. LOL. Good luck on all your projects, listed and yet to be started.

  15. Your husband is the right kind of encouraging. :-)

    Your bee blocks are gorgeous! I'm so excited to see how the Mid Century Modern bee is going to go…

    These are all such great projects - I'm looking forward to your progress this quarter! (You can do it!)

  16. Your projects are all so beautiful, you have the best eye for colour. I am looking forward to see your finishes. I am glad you joined the FAL.

  17. Beautiful projects Carla!! Love the scrappy quilt blocks!! xo Heather

  18. Love your projects, Carla....and I LOVE my block! Your fabrics are very fun!

  19. So many great projects! Love the scrappy quilt!

  20. Yeah, the hexies are on the list!!! Can't wait to see them stitched together!

  21. oh my gosh what beautiful projects! I'll enjoy each one come to life. And I agree - aren't the MCM blocks this month awesome? I totally loved working on that and having four little blocks make one big block!

  22. Everything you create is so beautifully made! Love your scrappy trip and oh gosh, that spider web block, I'm feeling another new project coming on......

  23. Yay! For the Finish A-Long. I love reading your list of things to finish. Hey, let's be real. I love seeing all of your projects and love the "quilt vibe" that you have. It's also fun to have you in the MCModern Bee. I felt the same way with my block, but got it done . . . and sent!

    It's fun to be introduced to new quilters, and I'm really enjoying your blog and projects.

    Elizabeth E.

  24. My head is whirling! I am so inspired! Beautiful Carla!
