Thursday, October 3, 2013


This quarter I did a lot of sewing, but not a lot got done that was on my finishing list.
This time around I am 2 for 6.  My original list is here

I got this one together that was for Hospice. Original post is here

and I finished my Giant Star. More pics here

I'm thinking for this last quarter, I will concentrate more on finishing tops I already have made rather than trying to finish quilts that are still just blocks.

Oh who am I trying to kid?  I'll probably start a bunch of new things       : )

linking up with the 2013 Finish Along


  1. Lovely finishes. That Star is beautiful!

  2. Lol! You are like the rest of us, to tempted by all the pretty new fabric that keeps arriving. I here there was a bunch of new stuff there yesterday.

  3. I wish you the best. It's sew hard to stay on track and finish up old stuff when there are beautiful news things we want to touch and play with. Good luck!

  4. Great quarter Carla. I still just love that fractured 9-patch.

  5. do what makes you happy x love the finishes you managed x

  6. Carla, the two you finished are lovely. AND does it really matter how many you finish, it's the enjoyment of the process that counts!

  7. Hey, nothing wrong with new starts! How would we get finishes if we never started anything LOL!!! Your finishes are pretty amazing to me - wow!!!

  8. These are both beautiful quilts Carla! I'm trying to ignore the emails from online fabric stores showing all the new arrivals and sales so I can finish my old tops. We'll see : )

  9. A new project here or there keeps us in our toes! Go for it! Love the HST Star quilt!

  10. I need to just try to finish anything.....:)

  11. 'Tis the joy of stitching to see a 'must have' fabric and start something new!! Oh my...your Giant Star is a glorious sight to behold!!

  12. LOL! Love both of these quilts and your spirit!

  13. Beautiful quilts!! The star is just gorgeous! Happy weekend to you! xo Heather

  14. Hurray for finishes!

    (I hope someone organizes a 2014 Starting-A-Long...)

  15. Seems hard to believe you have quilts in various stages of WIP when you have so many finishes!!! your plan sounds like an efficient one! :) Have a great weekend!

  16. What? Start a bunch of new things? Oh, wait, that's the only thing I do. I have no concept of actually finishing them. These quilts are just beautiful!

  17. I'm sure a little birdie told me that she needed at least a Fat 1/4 of each piece of a certain new line of fabric. Does that fit into 'finishing'?? lol
    I agree with Lorraine doesn't matter how many finishes, just that you enjoy the journey! :)

  18. Love both quilts ... finish your tops, start new projects - do whatever makes you happy as that makes us all smile with you :)

  19. Oooh, I love both of these! Especially the top quilt! How lovely to get them finished! And good luck in quarter four! :)

  20. Beautiful finishes! You are wonderfully talented!

  21. Awesome finishes! I am always changing my plan of attack on the WIP. Always something else comes in to be done. Keep your eye on the goal, (to have fun!)S is 10 today and so far away. Got to see him on skype though. So grown up!

  22. Great finishes, that star is amazing

  23. You are such an artist! These are incredible. That first one has a Scandinavian look; must be the Finn in me. And that star is fantastic. You astound me in how prolific you are in your creativity. I mean, WOW!
