Friday, September 12, 2014


Friday again. Time is certainly zipping by now that summer is fading. This past week I decided to get a jump on Christmas and made these stockings

I loosely followed this tutorial. So loosely in fact,  that they aren't even the same size...........

The fabrics are Cotton & Steel which will be coming to Katja's shoppe this month. Yay!

The big green button was one I had, and the metal one I found at Michaels.

I am rather fond of it  : )

Have you started your Christmas sewing yet?

linking up with Crazy Mom quilts


  1. they're totally fun! nice job, and nice... and early, too!

  2. They are both adorable. I have to admit I've never been that enamoured with Cotton and Steel fabrics but now that I see how you have used them I am suddenly seeing them in a totally new light. I've been slowly doing bits of Christmas sewing all year myself, trying to be organised this year for a change.

  3. These are so cute! I haven't even contemplated Christmas sewing yet...and it's already mid-September. Where has the time gone??

  4. Adorable, you are so ahead of the game.

  5. Great stockings. Oh, thank you for this post. I made stockings for my kids early in the year and now I need to find them. I hate when you "make" early and then forget to

  6. Sew cute, and yes, I have! I am working on my donation quilt for our local Festival of Trees.

  7. So very cute, and the Katja's Quilt tag is perfect....good for you ..start early on Christmas, so you can enjoy "The Season".

  8. I can absolutely see why you are fond of that metal button - how cute is that??? Love your stockings - very modern take on a wonderful tradition.

  9. Love those! I have my fabrics out to start a table runner - does that count? ;)

    I asked my LQS if they were going to carry the Cotton + Steel fabrics and they said they would "have a look at the quilt festival coming up in Houston and decide" - BOO! If they would just look at the fabrics online they would decide in a heartbeat! So I just purchased some from an online store, and I am in love with it.

  10. They are lovely! The buttons are a great touch! I have 3 stockings on my list to do for this year, and yes, I have started working on my Christmas projects - started a set of 6 Christmas placemats just yesterday.

  11.! I'm just going to let Christmas nudge me on the shoulder in about a month or so. Cute stockings! Yep, that pretty green flower button does it for me!

  12. These are beautiful! Love those buttons as well.

  13. very very cute. I hate to admit it but I've never made stockings for my family. Made them years ago for my parents and now my husband and I use those but my poor kids (young adults now) don't have handmade ones. Pretty lame.

  14. Have I started Christmas sewing? No way...but these are terrific! I've used the pattern before and loved the result!

  15. Ohhh these are so awesome! Love your fabric choices here. You are so very organized - I thought briefly about Christmas today and then promptly forgot about it on purpose haha! Visiting from Finish it up Friday.

  16. Your Christmas stockings are just wonderful!

  17. Your stockings are adorable. I hope none of Santa's elves find them so irresistible that they disappear :-)

  18. Very cute stockings! Love your fabric combinations! and yes, I have thought about Xmas, but sadly done nothing about it... yet! Linda

  19. Great colour combo and adorable.

  20. These are so cute....great fabrics! I make a similar shaped stocking for my family, but I really like the piecing on yours.

  21. I got as far as finding the fabric for my Christmas sewing in the back of the cupboard. Does that count as starting? I don't think my plans will be as fancy as these stockings.

  22. I just finished a Christmas quilt (which was started 3 Christmases ago :) )
    and I can't wait to get on with more Christmas sewing!

  23. I am loving those Christmas stockings. I would love to make new ones for my house, but my kids don't like it when you change their stocking. Tradition I suppose.

  24. oh, Carla!!!!! these are fantastic :) I love them!

  25. I love these! I've been pulling fabrics for stockings the past couple of weeks (and then putting them back and pulling others... of course!) Still trying to decide on a pattern so I'll have to click through on the tutorial. And of course, I ruled out scrappy and now you have me re-thinking that! :)

  26. How original! And that's a beautiful mix of fabric. Modern and festive!

  27. Cotton + Steel stockings are just perfect! I just bought some and I'm regretting I didn't order any of that gold/curry colour.

  28. Popping by from Ho Ho Ho and On We Sew linky party - LOVE your stockings! They're so fresh and fun and modern - the patchworked fabrics and quilting are lovely, and the embellishments just right. I'm vintage my self and vintagey designs always take me back 45ish (ouch) years, but I have to admit that I'm VERY fond of the fun new modern fabrics and designs :)
