Monday, September 15, 2014


This past month at the Modern Quilt Group I attend, we were issued a challenge.  It was 'Modern Fall'.  We could make anything we wanted.  I started with a fat quarter bundle of Shot cottons in plum and mustard and envisioned flying geese.

When I saw this block on Flickr, I was inspired to make it,  and turn it into a pillow

It's a quilt as you go tutorial that can be found at 'Let's Eat Grandpa' .  Everything in me wants to put a comma in there   : )

My first triangle ended up being a bit wonky but I decided to just leave it and make them all slightly crooked

I did straight line quilting in two different patterns which was easy and fun. For some reason the batting bearded through which is made more noticeable on the solid fabrics

The pillow ended up about 17 1/2" square

linking up with Anything goes Mondays
Linky Tuesdays


  1. I love it. The colors are wonderful and the lounge looks so inviting.

  2. I love it. The colors are so fun and the quilting is the perfect touch for the design. Beautiful .

  3. Gorgeous pillow! Gotta love those shot cottons. I had to go to the link just to see the punctuation joke. Good one!

  4. I love the wonkiness! Great pillow, great colors.

  5. It all comes together so well. The fabrics, the pattern and the quilting. Nice!

  6. It looks so great! Glad my tutorial worked for you ;-)

  7. What a great challenge! Your pillow is stunning :)

  8. Yes to save poor ole Grandpa from an untimely end perhaps a comma would be best! As for your gorgeous pillow..........sublime!!

  9. Love it! Great colors & the quilting turned out wonderful. I was a little worried about Grandpa with no comma as well...LOL

  10. What a fun pillow for fall, Carla. I love your wooden lawn chair, as well!

  11. Wow....what a striking modern and bright.

  12. I've see that tutorial. (I too love anyone who understands grammar and can joke about it.) Your interpretation is so clever in its colour choices!

  13. Your pillow is wonderful from the colors to the design!

  14. That is one fun pillow! Love the colors, love the design, love the quilting you chose.

  15. This is so fun! I'd never think to put these colors together myself... but I love them!

  16. The colors are fabulous and you can't go wrong with wonky geese! Thanks for the link to the tutorial!

  17. Great combination of colours and the maxi flying geese are so fun!

  18. I love this pillow, the colours are perfect!

  19. Cannot see anything wonky, but I do see a beautiful pillow -love these colours.

  20. I really like everything about this pillow. The color combination and the wonky triangles, the movement of the pattern and the quilting....I could go on. Again, love the photography, too.
