Monday, November 24, 2014


While in Victoria recently I found this great shop tucked inside a little old house. Everything Old is a treasure trove of a bit of everything you can imagine. If they don't have it, they can likely get it  : )

The reason I went was because I had seen this collection on Instagram

My daughter has wanted an old camera for a long time. I told her if I ever saw one (within budget) I would grab it for her

We settled on this beauty

It's from the Eastman Kodak Company 1903-1912  complete with red bellows

all the little levers and buttons work

She thought it was pretty cool and plans on taking it to a camera shop to see if there might be a way of getting film for it

I picked up a few of these old printing blocks just because

This dress form caught my eye

You actually unhinge this in the front, put it on, press the wire to your shape, then take it off.
What a riot!

Everything Old is right by the ferry on the Victoria side. If you ever have a sailing wait, that is a great place to kill some time  : )

Now back to some sewing.


  1. That do beat all, a wire dress that you unhinge and press to your shape. Me thinks that this 'coitture' li'l number would unhinge me. It would completely derange me as I try to poke all my excess li'l bits back through the wire!! BUT...such fun!! The best purchases are those "just because" ones. I love your daughters new acquisition; that camera is a beauty. Such a wonderful shop in which to kill some time.

  2. I love everything vintage as well! Looks like a shop I would love to browse around in! Good luck on finding film for the old camera!

  3. Oh. my. word. I could get lost in that opening photo, let alone an entire store full of such wonder and enchantment! And that camera, THAT CAMERA! Swooning. The old printing blocks are full of charm, and that dress form IS a riot. I love the sheep behind it too.

  4. I love old, antique stuff! I could have fun with those letter blocks. So, did you end up buying the dress form? Treasure hunting is so much fun!

  5. now that dress form is a pretty smart idea.

  6. Wonderful find in that camera. Would love to know if you get it working

  7. What a great shop!!! I love that dress form.

  8. How much fun was that?! Old cameras sure have a charm all their own. I would have been tempted by those typesetter letters too! Good finds all around.

  9. So cool!!! Now that's my idea of the perfect place to wait! Love that dress dummy - it would be at my house right now :)

  10. What a fun and fascinating place! The camera looks like a real treasure! Not sure I'd want to use that dress form- ugh!

  11. What an amazing shop! I've never seen a dress form like that before!

  12. Wow, you're daughter sounds so adventurous! That's awesome. I think I would be terrified to shoot with film. The digital age has spoiled us! :) I'm curious about that dress form - I've never seen anything like it!

  13. Love it....Dave was a compositor at Pacific Press and used those type of letter daily, to do printing for the daily paper.

    We will have to check out this place when we head over to Victoria. Great find! And lucky Carli....

  14. Oooh! Lovely. Great finds.
    My husband gets nervous every time I go near an antique shop with a credit card in my pocket. I wonder why.

  15. The camera is striking even if it never works again!
    That dress form is certainly unusual - are you sure it wasn't a fetishists 'tool'? !!

  16. What a fun shop and great finds! The dress form is fantastic :)


  17. I love shops like that. Actually have a few of my Dad's old cameras and often wonder what they might be worth. Don't want to sell them but it would be fun to know more about them.

  18. Oooo... this looks like a *fun* place!!! I'm sure I could do some major damage there.

    Fun fact: My dad and I are both photographers, and he's collected vintage cameras for decades now, so I have some of those gracing my office shelves too. :)
