Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Today I have a few smallish things to show you. Progress on the nursery quilt is being made. I have a couple of little "quiltlets" underway.

Hexagons are always a favourite. These ones are 1/2"

Of course there has to be a nine patch quilt

I'm not sure yet how I will attach these to the main quilt-----whether to fuse or turn the edges under and appliqué them down

A few birdies and socks ready to go on the clothesline. (these will be fused)

Still plugging away on my hexagons. #22

and this is a sneak peak of Annika's block I did for her. It will be on it's way to Sweden this afternoon : )

That's it for today. My daughter graduates this week-end so things may be a bit quiet here.
Have a fabulous wednesday.


  1. oh congrats to your daughter! how fun! and i love those itty bitty socks. can't wait to see what they become!

  2. Squeal! What cute little hexies! Love those.

  3. So much progress already - you are truely a sewing maniac ;-) Everything looks great of course!

  4. Have fun with the Grad, hope she decides to go! lol!

  5. So excited to see that nursery quilt, so cute.
    Happy Grad Day!!!!Good job Carlie!

  6. It's going to be adorable. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  7. Congratulations to your daughter!! Have a wonderful time celebrating! xo Heather

  8. Hooray for graduation! Hope y'all have fun celebrating! Such teeny tiny hexagons - ack, so cute!

  9. Love the socks, but how do you fuse?

  10. The nursery quilt looks great - especially the adorable little turtles! Lucky you, setting up a nursery for your grands! and thanks for stopping by my blog and recently "following."

  11. You always have so much going on! Great job!!!

  12. This is going to be so neat! I just love that quilt.....might have to try something similar!

  13. Love those turtles!! Are they Heather Ross? Looks like her style. : )
