Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Every once in a while, Hubby and I do a road trip. My hobby is quilting and his is driving. Last week he mapped out our route as we headed down to Portland for my first International Quilt Market. There were lots of stops along the way at different Quilt Shops. My favourite one was The Stitchin Post in Sisters, Oregon.

The shop is bright and very Modern. I had to restrain myself !

We stayed at the Best Western in town and it was a lovely room. There were Llamas in the field beside us.

It was so quiet and peaceful.

Then came the big city. The view from the hotel overlooking the Convention Centre.

The first night I had the pleasure of meeting Cindy from "Live a Colorful Life" . We only had time for a quick visit and a photo. Another fellow redhead. Yay!

Once inside, there was just SO much to see and take in. I'll show you a few pics and then show more in future posts.

'Finnelopy' by Valori Wells

A quilt by "Adorn It".  I bought a bundle of their fabrics

This quilt is made from 2 1/2" squares ( i think ) It's by Bonnie and Camille

Ohhhhhh the quilting on this.........

'birch' organic fabrics had beautiful quilts displayed and kids clothes too

I wish I could remember who's booth these next two were from. I could have stayed there all day!

Cute pillow from Riley Blake

 Most of the loot.   Hubby says I'm spoiled       : )

Two projects I am going to start --- today!

That's it for now. I'm off to make room for all my goodies and then sew, sew, sew.


Needled Mom said...

We've stayed at that BW hotel several times!! It is such a wonderful setting. How fun to meet up with Cindy. Market looks great too. Have fun sewing.

Cathy said...

what great loot!!!!!

Cindy Sharp said...

You are just too cute. You remind me of my folks....they had the very same hobbies. Mom had one of those books with locations of quilt shops all over the country in it. Dad would use it to plan their trips. It was a game for him.

Glad you had fun.

Heather D. said...

What a great trip!

Celtic Thistle said...

Sounds like a great trip Carla. I love the Bird's Nest quilt, such amazing quilting.

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Love the photos...hope to make it to Sisters OR someday. You deserve to be spoiled!

karen said...

Looks like a fun, relaxing trip for you both. My husband enjoys driving on long road trips too. I wonder what that will be like someday with no kiddos in the back-:-) .. Glad you got to experience QM!

Barbie Mills said...

Thanks for sharing your photos, it looks like there was inspiration dripping from everything!

Sewing Mom said...

Wow, look at all your beautiful fun too! can't wait to see what you create.

Susan said...

Lucky you! And a husband who enables you! He's a keeper ! Happy sewing.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

Wow! I wish we had shows like that here! Thanks for sharing your fab trip :)

Carrie P. said...

Oh, what fun! My hubby is great to take me to quilt shops too.

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

what a great team!!!!!

quiltmania said...

Great pics. Glad you had a good time!

Frog Quilter said...

Love the phone quilt.

Caroline said...

Great photos Carla, thanks!

Shauna said...

Looks like a ton of fun! and what a haul of goodies you brought home with you.

Studio V said...

looks like fun! Awesome loot!!

Jayme said...

You were there?! Me too!! I have yet to post my market experience. Don't you just LOVE Allison's book? That's my niece on the cover, and her sisters (and my youngest) are in it too. More reason for me to love it besides the awesome patterns. Anyway, hope all is well!!!!

CitricSugar said...

Thanks for the vicarious visit!

I hope you gave Cindy an extra big hug - she's on my "I-have-to-meet-her-someday" list. :-)

Deb said...

Lucky you. I'm very jealous!

Annabella said...

Thanks for sharing Carla - great to see you and a cute pic of you and hubby!

Lynne said...

That does it. I'm going next year. Thanks for the great pictures! I love your pile of goodies!

Debbie said...

oh what fun!

OPQuilt said...

Very cool to see you and Cindy side by side. I'm going to have to start a MCM photo album so I can keep all these names and faces and blog names straight. I'd rather we all get together for a cool retreat somewhere, but I know that won't happen.

I love that yours and your husband's hobbies mesh nicely together--looks like you had a great time at Market!

Elizabeth E.

wendyroomcreations said...

What a lot of wonderful goodies you have got. Spoilt? I think not, just rewards for being you. Lovely, lovely quilts. Did I spot a bit of grey in one or two?! Philippa xx

Live a Colorful Life said...

You came home with some superb thing! SOO fun meeting you. I wish we had had more time to visit. My brother-in-law/sister-in-law used to live not too far from Sisters, actually in Terrebonne, and she is a large animal vet, so she has taken care of llamas and reindeer! Now they live close to Yellowstone and we haven't had a chance to visit them. Anyway...quilt market was really fun. So many beautiful fabric lines coming out soon.

Mama Pea said...

What a lovely, relaxing place! I'd love to go there. So glad you got to hook up with Cindy. You two look so cute!